Silicon-Based Heterostructure Devices and Circuits
Theory and design of novel silicon-germanium microelectronic devices and circuits. Materials, device physics, fabrication, measurement, circuit design, and system applications.
To provide a practical understanding of semiconductor materials and
technology as it relates to design and development of efficient solar
cells and photovoltaic systems.
Integrated and Low-Cost Microelectronics Systems Packaging
Introduction to cross-disciplinary microelectronic packaging technologies, including electrical design, thermal considerations and technologies, reliability, optoelectronic packaging, and RF-/mm-wave packaging. Crosslisted with ME and MSE 6776.
Introduction to Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems: Microfabrication techniques including: photolithography, etching, physical and chemical vapor deposition, electroplating, bonding and polymer processing. Application to sensors and actuators. Credit not allowed for both ECE 6229 and ME 6229 or CHBE 6229.
Thermal Engineering for Packaging of Micro and Nano Systems
Passive, active, and hybrid thermal management techniques, and computational modeling of micro systems. Air cooling, simlge phase and phase change liquid cooling, heat pipes, and thermoelectrics. Crosslisted with ME 6779.
Hierarchy of physical principles that enable understanding and
estimation of future opportunities to achieve multibillion transistor
silicon chips using sub-0.25 micron technology.
Fundamental concepts for design of microelectromechanical devices (MEMS), including mechanical and thermal behavior of materials and structures, transduction principles, transducer design, and modeling.
Optoelectronic materials, physical processes, and devices. Includes
compound semiconductor materials, excitation, recombination, gain, and
modulation processes and devices such as emitters, detectors, and
modulators. Crosslisted with PHYS 6771.
Basis of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and the behavior of
solids to serve as an introduction to the modern study of semiconductors
and semiconductor devices.
Measurements, Circuits and Microelectronics Laboratory
Theory and experiments related to the design, analysis, construction, and measurement of elementary passive and active analog circuits using both discrete and integrated devices.
Properties of semiconductor devices. Applications in current and future computers, fiber optic and wireless communication systems. Future needs of high frequency, GHz-range, device operation.
Introduction to microelectronic processing technologies and CMOS. Includes a laboratory for fabrication/testing of MOS transistors, basic CMOS circuits, integrated resistors and capacitors.
Electronics Packaging Assembly, Reliability, Thermal Management, and Test
The course provides hands-on instruction in electronics packaging,
including assembly, reliability, thermal management, and test of
next-generation microsystems. Crosslisted with ME and MSE 4754.
Hands-on instruction in interconnect design, substrate material selection and properties, photodielectric deposition, via formation and photolithography, copper metallization, and substrate testing. Crosslisted with CHE 4755.
Semiconductor Devices for Wireless & Fiber Communication
Advanced development of semiconductor device theory focusing on
optoelectronic emitters, detectors, & high frequency transistors to
provide an understanding of devices used in communications systems
The objective of this course is to give students exposure to the various
steps involved in the fabrication of integrated circuits and devices.
'The course will include a laboratory segment in which students
fabricate MOS transistors, diffused resistors and MOS capacitors from a
bare silicon substrate. Crosslisted with CHE 4752.
Plasma Processing of Electronic Materials and Devices
Fundamental physics, chemistry, chemical engineering and electrical
engineering principles inherent in plasma processes. Includes etching,
deposition, diagnostic methods, and control schemes. Cross-listed with
CHE 6759.
This course is designed to explore methods of applying statistical process
control and statistical quality control to semiconductor manufacturing
processes. Students will be required to complete a design project.
Optoelectronics: Devices, Integration, Packaging, Systems
Optoelectronic devices (detectors, emitters, modulators) from the
practical realized and theoretical performance perspective. Explores
monolithic and hybrid integration of devices, packaging and system