All communication with the ECE Graduate Affairs Office is done by filling out the Graduate Affairs Office Contact Form.

M.S. Thesis Evaluation Form

Ph.D. Proposal Forms

  • Committee Chair Report (updated May 2020)
  • Individual Evaluation (updated May 2020)
  • The chair of the proposal committee needs to announce the oral presentation by contacting the Graduate Affairs Office at least one week prior to the proposal defense 
  • Upon successfully completing the Ph.D. proposal, the chair of the proposal committee needs to turn the signed Admission to Candidacy form, the Committee Chair Report and all the Individual Evaluation forms to the ECE Graduate Affairs Office. 

Ph.D. Dissertation Forms

  • Certificate of Ph.D. Thesis Approval (Ph.D. students should prepare this form and bring it to their dissertation defense. The dissertation committee signs this form when they decide that the student has successfully defended the Ph.D. dissertation.)
  • Reading Committee form.doc (Requires original signature by Ph.D. thesis advisor and reading committee members)
  • Schedule Defense form (Requires original signature by Ph.D. thesis advisor)
    The chair of the defense committee needs to turn in the signed Reading Committee form and the Schedule Defense form into the ECE Graduate Affairs Office at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled defense.
  • Ph.D. dissertation evaluation form (updated May 2020)
  • Thesis Manual


Reasonable Progress Toward Graduate Degrees

GRA Policies and Procedures

GRA Performance Goals and Objectives.doc

GRA Performance Appraisal form.doc

Adjunct Faculty Form and Guidelines.doc