Special Topic Courses
Select from buttons below to view information on special topic courses.
Permanent Course Descriptions and Outlines
Medical Imaging Systems
A study of the principles and design of medical imaging systems such
as X-ray, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and nuclear magnetic
resonance. Cross-listed with BMED 6786.
as X-ray, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and nuclear magnetic
resonance. Cross-listed with BMED 6786.
Quantitative Electrophysiology
A quantitative presentation of electrophysiological systems in biological
organisms, emphasizing the electrical properties and modeling of neural
and cardiac cells and systems. Cross-listed with BMED and PHYS 6787.
organisms, emphasizing the electrical properties and modeling of neural
and cardiac cells and systems. Cross-listed with BMED and PHYS 6787.
Information Processing Models in Neural Systems
Examines 'top-down' modeling approaches for sensorineural systems, where optimal computational principles used in engineering (e.g., information theory, Bayesian inference, control theory) explain observed information processing.
Manufacturing Seminar
Guest speakers on a broad range of manufacturing-related topics: research,
applications, and technology. Required for Certificate in Manufacturing.
Cross-listed with ISYE and ME 6792.
applications, and technology. Required for Certificate in Manufacturing.
Cross-listed with ISYE and ME 6792.
For GT-SJTU dual-MS students during terms when they are not taking other GT courses.
RISC Architectures
An advanced design oriented class studying the design techniques and
operational principles of modern Superscalar RISC datapaths.
operational principles of modern Superscalar RISC datapaths.
Asynchronous and Self Timed Systems
Specification and design of asynchronous digital systems.
Advanced Digital Systems Test
Design and test techniques for high-speed digital systems operating at
rates above 100 MHz with a practical emphasis via substantial projects.
rates above 100 MHz with a practical emphasis via substantial projects.
Fault Tolerant Computing
Key concepts in fault-tolerant computing. Understanding and use of modern
fault-tolerant hardware and software design practices. Case studies.
fault-tolerant hardware and software design practices. Case studies.
Signal Detection and Estimation
Detection theory and estimation theory and their application to
communications and statistical signal processing problems.
communications and statistical signal processing problems.
Advanced Signal Processing Theory
A lecture and seminar treatment of the latest developments in signal
processing. Emphasis is placed on current literature and emerging
research areas.
processing. Emphasis is placed on current literature and emerging
research areas.
Topics in Analytical Electromagnetics
An in-depth treatment of several analytical techniques used in current practice for solving real-world EM wave propagation problems and their impact on wireless communications.
Antennas and Wave Propagation in Matter
Basic methods for characterizing the electromagnetic properties
of common materials (geophysical, biological, etc.) and
techniques for analyzing antennas and wave propagation in these
of common materials (geophysical, biological, etc.) and
techniques for analyzing antennas and wave propagation in these
Topics in Computational Electromagnetics
Computational approaches for applications such as radar signature
prediction, microwave antenna and device design, and modeling
techniques for electronic packaging.
prediction, microwave antenna and device design, and modeling
techniques for electronic packaging.
Advanced Communication Theory
Latest developments in communications and networking are treated in lecture
and seminar. Emphasis on current literature and open research areas.
and seminar. Emphasis on current literature and open research areas.
Introduction to Robotics Research
Familiarizes students with the core areas of robotics; mechanics, control, perception, AI, and autonomy. Provides an introduction to the mathematical tools required in robotics research. Crosslisted with AE and CS 7785.
ECE Seminar
Speakers with diverse backgrounds and representing many different
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.
ECE Seminar
Speakers with diverse backgrounds and representing many different
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.
ECE Seminar
Speakers with diverse backgrounds and representing many different
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.
Research Seminar
Seminar presentations describing ECE-related research projects, centers,
and other activities at Georgia Tech.
and other activities at Georgia Tech.
Professional Communication Skills
Written, oral, and graphical communication skills needed by electrical and
computer engineering professionals.
computer engineering professionals.
Professional Communication Seminar
Seminar presentations on oral and written technical communication skills needed by electrical and computer engineering professionals. Credit for this course may not be used toward the master's degree in ECE.
Robotics Research Foundation I
Multidisciplinary research course supervised by two robotics faculty from different schools participating in the robotics Ph.D. program. Crosslisted with AE and CS 8750.
Robotics Research Foundation II
Continuation of AE/CS/ECE 8750 (Robotics Research Foundation I). Crosslisted with AE and CS 8751.
Special Topics
Used for courses under development or courses being offered only one time.
Last digit indicates number of credit hours.
Last digit indicates number of credit hours.
Special Problems
Individually arranged study or project under the direction of a faculty
member. Last digit indicates number of credit hours.
member. Last digit indicates number of credit hours.
Teaching Assistantship
Credit to be arranged. For students holding graduate teaching
Research Assistantship
Credit to be arranged. For students holding graduate research
Introduction to ECE Design
An introduction to basic concepts useful for all areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Focus on hands-on, team-based activities using robotics.