The globally recognized researcher in advanced power conversion technologies is the first Georgia Tech faculty member to receive the distinction.

The collaboration hopes to redefine digital storage, tackling the core of AI progress by reducing voltage in NAND flash technology through a new ferroelectric structure.

The ECE professor is recognized for his significant contributions to wireless communications encompassing additively manufactured antenna arrays and RF modules as well as wireless power transfer.

Georgia Tech researchers have developed a first-of-its-kind automated measurement tool that can assess password protection policies across the internet.

The College of Engineering has recognized Ito's dedication to mental health, mindfulness, and positive culture at the CoE Staff Engagement Day this week.

Professor Douglas Blough and Ph.D. candidate Jingyuan Zhang's prizewinning paper unveils strategies using intelligent surfaces to revolutionize wireless network coverage.

The Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology and the Institute for Materials have announced they will combine to form a new Interdisciplinary Research Institute set to begin operations on July 1, 2024.