Advanced VLSI Systems

An advanced treatment of VLSI systems analysis, design, and testing with
emphasis on complex systems and how they are incorporated into a silicon
environment. Credit is not allowed for both ECE 4130 and ECE 6130.

Computer-Aided VLSI System Design

Theory and practice of computer-aided VLSI digital systems design. Logic
synthesis, semi-custom VLSI design, high-level synthesis, low power systems
and hardware/software co-design. Individual/group projects.

Digital Systems Test

Course covers the science of digital systems testing, fault models, algorithms for fault simulation and test generation, design for testability and built-in self-test.

Digital System in Nanometer Nodes

An advanced treatment of design challenges, such as, power, variability, and reliability, associated with digital integrated circuits and systems in nanometer nodes.

Advanced Digital Systems Test

Design and test techniques for high-speed digital systems operating at
rates above 100 MHz with a practical emphasis via substantial projects.

Advanced VLSI Systems

An advanced treatment of VLSI systems analysis, design, and testing with
emphasis on complex systems and how they are incorporated into a silicon
environment. Credit is not allowed for both ECE 4130 and ECE 6130.

Cryptographic Hardware for Embedded Systems

Introduction to cryptography and authentication from a hardware-centric perspective. Historic ciphers, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, and power analysis attacks are taught from a digital and VLSI design perspective.

Physical Design Automation of VLSI Systems

Various design automation problems in the physical design process of VLSI circuits including clustering, partitioning, floorplanning, placement, routing, and compaction.

Digital Design Laboratory

Design and implementation of digital systems, including a team design project. CAD tools, project design methodologies, logic synthesis, and assembly language programming.

Physical Foundations of Computer Engineering

Basic principles governing the physical realization of computing systems and their relationship to characteristics such as performance, energy, and robustness. Implementation technologies.

VLSI and Advanced Digital Design

Advanced digital design issues in the context of VLSI systems. Introduction to a design methodology that encompasses the range from architectural models to circuit simulation.

Embedded Computing Systems

Algorithms and methodologies for the design of real-time, low-power embedded computing systems.

Fundamentals of Digital System Design

Computer system and digital design principles. Switch and gate design, Boolean algebra, number systems, arithmetic, storage elements. Datapath, memory organization. Instruction set architecture, assembly language.

Asynchronous and Self Timed Systems

Specification and design of asynchronous digital systems.

Fault Tolerant Computing

Key concepts in fault-tolerant computing. Understanding and use of modern
fault-tolerant hardware and software design practices. Case studies.

DSP Hardware Systems Design

A study of theory and practice in the design and implementation of
DSP algorithms on programmable processors, multiprocessors, and