A team of Ph.D. students from the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) received a first place award in the Student Design Competition at the 2019 International Microwave Symposium.

ECE Associate Professor Alenka Zajic has been selected for the IEEE Atlanta Section Outstanding Engineer Award.

Azadeh Ansari has been appointed as the Sutterfield Family Early Career Professor in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), effective September 1, 2019. 

ECE Ph.D. students Andrew Kim, David Munzer, and Adam Wang have been selected for National Defense Science and Engineering (NDSEG) Fellowships.

Marilyn Wolf has been selected to receive the IEEE Computer Society 2019 Harry H. Goode Award.

John Lee, Afshin Abdi, and Motaz Alfarraj were presented with Outstanding Research Awards from the Center for Signal and Information Processing (CSIP).

ECE Assistant Professor Azadeh Ansari has been named as a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award.

Suresh Sundaram received the industry-sponsored speaker award at the 18th European Workshop on Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy, held June 16-19 in Vilnius, Lithuania. 

Magnus Egerstedt has been elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Devin Brown was selected for the Best Student Poster Paper Award at the International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN).

ECE sophomore Pradyot Yadav won first place in the Student Design Competition at the 2019 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), held June 4-6 in Boston, Massachusetts.

ECE Ph.D. student Min-Yu Huang has been selected for the Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholar Award.

Preserving hundreds of terabytes of ELF/VLF electromagnetic wave measurements and opening it for researchers worldwide is a joint project of Stanford University, Georgia Tech, and the University of Colorado Denver with support from the NSF and DoD.

ECE Professor Manos Tentzeris has received the Humboldt Research Award.

ECE Assistant Professor Tushar Krishna will have two of his recent research papers featured in the IEEE Micro “Top Picks from Computer Architecture Conferences,” to be published in the May/June 2019 issue.

A collaboration among the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), the Aerospace Corporation, and the Georgia Tech SiGe Devices and Circuits Group was awarded the Outstanding Paper Award at the 2019 Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC).

ECE Ph.D. student Brian Crafton and Muya Chang have won the 2019 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, which recognizes and rewards teams of two Ph.D. students each and their thesis advisor(s).

ECE Ph.D. student Emeka Obikwelu has been chosen as a recipient of the 2019 GT FOCUS-Intel Diversity Fellowship Award.

ECE Ph.D. student Hanbin (Victor) Ying received the Best Student Paper Award at the 2019 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS).

ECE Ph.D. students Chia-Lin Cheng and Luong Nguyen have been chosen for a 2019 TechConnect Innovation Award.

ECE Ph.D. student Sensen Li has been selected for the 2019 IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Graduate Student Fellowship.

ECE Ph.D. student Shruti Lall was chosen for the Best Poster Award at the 11th ACM Wireless of the Students, by the Students, and for the Students (ACM S3) Workshop, held October 21, 2019 at Los Cabos, Mexico.

ECE Ph.D. student Said Al Abri has received the Best Poster Award from the 2019 Coordinated Science Laboratory (CSL) Student Conference.

Researchers have demonstrated a new all-optical technique for creating robust second-order nonlinear effects in materials that don’t normally support them.

This scale could help keep heart failure patients out of the hospital.

Five different types of solar cells fabricated by Georgia Tech researchers have arrived at the International Space Station to be tested.

In quantum computing, as in team building, a little diversity can help get the job done better, computer scientists have found.

Direct current (DC) has advantages over alternating current, and a new circuit breaker under development could make DC more practical.

A new website can help consumers understand the security challenges of internet-connected devices.

. In order to further develop the quantum eco-system at Georgia Tech, the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology has awarded a multidisciplinary team a seed fund for the establishment of the Georgia Tech Quantum Alliance (GTQA).

The size of an ant, the micro-bristle-bot moves by harnessing vibration.

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered vulnerabilities in the backend systems that feed content and advertising to smartphone applications.

Georgia Tech has announced the selection of two outstanding faculty members to serve as vice presidents in the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research

An ultra-low power hybrid chip inspired by the brain could help give palm-sized robots the ability to collaborate and learn from their experiences.

Successful proposals to this program will identify a new, currently-unfunded research idea that requires core facility access to generate preliminary data necessary to pursue other funding avenues.

A new technique could one day help prevent hackers from sabotaging electric power substations and other critical infrastructure.

Slow and energy-efficient SlothBot will handle environmental monitoring and other tasks.

A new approach enabled by 3D printing could help isolate tumor cells circulating in the bloodstream.

Georgia Tech is part of a new research center created to solve some of the most challenging issues in AI.

Georgia Tech has agreed to join the IBM Q Hub at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.