EnergyHack @GT, Georgia Tech’s inaugural student-run energy and sustainability hackathon, kicked off Jan. 17-19, 2025.

Emerald White, an undergraduate in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is making her voice heard through active participation in many different on-campus organizations.

ECE Ph.D. student Emeka Obikwelu has been chosen as a recipient of the 2019 GT FOCUS-Intel Diversity Fellowship Award.

Researchers at Georgia Tech, funded by a $4 million DARPA grant, are developing METALLIC, a framework to analyze and mitigate exploit chains—complex, multi-step cyberattacks.

Georgia Tech researchers, with Hyundai, uncovered wireless vulnerabilities in vehicles' internal networks.

The Strategic Energy Institute and the Energy, Policy, and Innovation Center at Georgia Tech are proud to announce the winner of the James G. Campbell Fellowship and the 2024 cohort of the annual Spark Awards.

Eight Georgia Tech researchers were honored with the ACM Distinguished Paper Award for their contributions to cybersecurity at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).

Hernandez-Mejia, who has worked at ECE’s National Electric Energy Testing, Research, & Applications Center (NEETRAC) since 2017, brings extensive experience to the member-driven electric utility research center.

Nine early-career professors will pursue cutting-edge climate mitigation research during the upcoming year as part of the initiative.

With NSF support, Colleges of Sciences and Engineering will collaborate to hire a researcher focused on solar-terrestrial science and space weather.

Stanislav Emelianov, Joseph M. Pettit Endowed Chair, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar has been named co-director of the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Pediatric Technology Center.

Chris Rozell traveled to Washington, D.C. to share the impacts of the past decade of brain research funded by the NIH BRAIN Initiative with Congress — and share with local representatives how Georgia Tech is playing a key role in leading the charge.

The ECE students won Best Student Awards at the International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors in Fukuoka, Japan in November.

The ECE Ph.D. candidate will research emerging materials and devices for energy-efficient sustainable computing.

The ECE Ph.D. candidate is working to develop a highly efficient on-chip antenna array to address growing global mobile video traffic.

The ECE Ph.D. candidate won the Best Poster award at the 2023 IBM IEEE AI Compute Symposium.

The ECE Ph.D. candidate was recognized for her research on emerging materials and devices that promote energy-efficient computing.

The research proposed by a team featuring Professor Biing-Hwang Juang introduces DeepSC, a deep learning-based semantic communication system designed for text transmission.

MIT and Georgia Tech researchers are designing an imaging system that can read closed books.

Georgia Tech College of Engineering Dean and Southern Company Chair Gary S. May has announced leadership changes that affect several units within the college.

ECE Assistant Professor Hua Wang and his colleagues from Georgia Tech and Toshiba Corporation have been named the recipients of the 2016 Microwave Magazine Best Paper Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S).

ECE Postdoctoral Research Fellow Junwen Zhang has been named as a 2016 Paul Baran Young Scholar Award recipient by the Marconi Society.

Ballistocardiography—or, the graphical representation of the body’s movements in response to the heartbeat—is a promising, newly revived technique that may soon make it to the masses as a wearable medical device.

ECE Ph.D. student Taiyun Chi has been named a recipient of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Graduate Fellowship for Medical Applications.

Jong Hwan Ko and Saibal Mukhopadhyay received the Best Paper Award at the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED 2016), the premier conference in the area of low power electronics, on August 10 in San Francisco, California.

ECE Ph.D. student Saiful Alam won the Best Poster Award at the 2016 European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, held May 2-6 in Lille, France.

Thomas M. Conte has been named the new IEEE-CS representative on the Computing Research Association (CRA) Board of Directors.

ECE Ph.D. student Emeka Obikwelu has been named as the School's first 3M Fellow.

Electrical engineering undergraduate student Eric Pollmann has been named the recipient of the IEEE James C. Klouda Memorial Scholarship from the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society.

ECE Ph.D. student Jackson McCormick won an Outstanding Student Paper Award at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union.

ECE Professor John D. Cressler has released the second edition of his textbook, Silicon Earth: Introduction to Microelectronics and Nanotechnology,

Suman Debnath and Maryam Saeedifard have been named the recipients of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Best Trans. Paper Award authored by a graduate student.

ECE Professor Shyh-Chiang Shen visited the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, where he gave a presentation on III-Nitride Power Electronics.

ECE Regents' Professor Ajeet Rohatgi has been named as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).

SEMI, the global microelectronics industry association, has chosen ECE Ph.D. student William Wahby to present his award-winning SRC TECHCON research paper at the SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium, to be held January 8-11, 2017 in Half Moon Bay, California.

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), and Northwestern University are building wearable and weighing-scale-based ballistocardiogram (BCG) technology for monitoring HF patients at home.

ECE Assistant Professor Hua Wang has published a new book, RF and mm-Wave Power Generation in Silicon.

ECE Ph.D. students Saad Bin Nasir and Jong Seok Park have been named as recipients of the 2016-2017 Predoctoral Achievement Awards, given by the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS).

ECE Ph.D. student Shoufeng Lan has been awarded the 2016 DJ Lovell Scholarship by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, for his potential contributions to optics, photonics, and other related fields.

Nexidia, a leading developer of dialogue and audio analysis products and technologies, was honored by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) with a Technology and Engineering Achievement Emmy Award for Phonetic Indexing and Timing.