ECE Ph.D. student Stephan Strassle Rojas was awarded the best student paper at the 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium.

Three students in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) have received funding through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

ECE Associate Professor Shimeng Yu has been named as a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) for 2021-2022.

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering is pleased to welcome our newest faculty member, Karthik Sundaresan, to Georgia Tech. 

Georgia Tech engineering alumni Jaime Zahorian and Sarp Satir – both with Ph.D.s in electrical and computer engineering –are helping Butterfly Network to advance their goal of making healthcare more accessible for all. 

ECE Professor Emeritus Nikil Jayant is among the 175 renowned academic inventors named to the 2020 class of Fellows of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). 

Arijit Raychowdhury, professor in Georgia Tech’s School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), has been selected as the Steve W. Chaddick School Chair for ECE, effective December 1.

Jong-Hyeok Yoon, Muya Chang, and Arijit Raychowdhury won the best regular paper award at the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) 2021.

The Juno Mission has been extended through September 2025, or its end of life. It will continue its key observations of Jupiter and also expand its investigations to the larger Jovian system. ECE's Paul Steffes is a member of the Juno Mission team.

ECE Associate Professor Shimeng Yu has been named as a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS).

EE second-year student Andrew Hellrigel received an Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award at the Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Symposium.

ECE Associate Professor Omer Inan has worked with colleagues from UCSF and Northwestern to design a wearable device that adults with preexisting conditions can use to monitor their heart and lung function from the comfort of their own homes.

Georgia Tech ECE Assistant Professor Shaolan Li is part of an effort to develop a wearable device for patients with pneumonia, allowing medical personnel to track their progress remotely and use data to predict how their condition may change.

ECE Ph.D. student Zhi Jin (Justin) Zhang has been chosen for the prestigious Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarship - Doctoral. 

ECE Ph.D. student Ahmad Rezvanitabar has been named as a recipient of the 2020-2021 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Predoctoral Achievement Award.

ECE Professor Arijit Raychowdhury has been selected for the 2021 Technical Excellence Award by the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC).

ECE Ph.D. student Edward Slevin won the first place prize in the student paper competition at the 34th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2021).

Wen (Essay) Shu has been promoted to Senior Research Engineer at the National Electric Energy Testing Research and Applications Center (NEETRAC), effective July 1, 2021.

ECE Advisory Board Chair and ECE alumnus Larry Heck has received the 2020 IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Best Paper Award.

Georgia Tech President Ángel Cabrera recently paid a visit to the Khan Lab, located in the Pettit Microelectronics Building, to learn more about the field of ferroelectricity and negative capacitance and its applications in microelectronics.

ECE Ph.D. student Sam Talkington received the Best Paper Award at the Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI) 2021.

ECE Ph.D. student Adou Sangbone Assoa has received the Cadence 2020 Black Students in Technology Scholarship.

Tushar Krishna and Arijit Raychowdhury have been selected for 2021 Qualcomm Faculty Awards (QFA). They are both faculty members in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE).

ECE Ph.D. student Milad Frounchi has been named as a recipient of the 2020-2021 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Predoctoral Achievement Award.

ECE Ph.D. student Alex Fedorov received the best student paper award at the IEEE International Conference on Health Informatics, which was held August 9-12 in a virtual format. 

ECE Associate Professor Mark A. Davenport has been named as a recipient of the IEEE SPS Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award.

ECE Professor Andrew F. Peterson was named the recipient of the 2021 Technical Achievement Award from the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES).

The Georgia Tech student branch chapter of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) was awarded the 2nd place prize for IEEE Region 1-7, which covers the United States and Canada, in the 2020 PES High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program.

Visitors to the Atlanta Botanical Garden can observe the testing of SlothBot, a new high-tech tool in the battle to save some of the world’s most endangered species.

Evil armies of internet-connected appliances could be hijacked to slightly manipulate energy demand, potentially driving price swings.

An new app made available to Georgia Tech faculty, staff and students uses smartphones to help control the coronavirus.

Flexible large-area organic photodiodes can now compete in performance with conventional silicon photodiode technology.

Entrepreneur and Professor Raghupathy “Siva” Sivakumar has been named Georgia Tech’s inaugural Interim Chief Commercialization Officer. 

A new device under development could help first responders more accurately assess the effects of blood loss due to hemorrhage.

Good thing humanoid robots don't have feelings because people think they are pretty incompetent.

A trio of Atlanta health care and research institutions will play a leading role in helping to evaluate potential COVID-19 tests.

The future of socially distanced lung and heart health monitoring could lie in this inconspicuous yet incredibly sensitive chip.

Teleworking can create a new set of risks surrounding email use that require precautions.

Startup Crescendo acquired by Ultimate Guitar

On Wednesday, April 22, more than 850 faculty, researchers, and staff from Georgia Tech and the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) tuned in to a virtual town hall to hear updates and participate in a Q&A session.