Introduction to MEMS

Introduction to Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems: Microfabrication techniques including: photolithography, etching, physical and chemical vapor deposition, electroplating, bonding and polymer processing. Application to sensors and actuators. Credit not allowed for both ECE 6229 and ME 6229 or CHBE 6229.

Advanced Programming Techniques

Covers a number of advanced topics in programming methods, data management, distributed computing, and advanced algorithms used in typical engineering applications.

Electronics Packaging Assembly, Reliability, Thermal Management, and Test

The course provides hands-on instruction in electronics packaging,
including assembly, reliability, thermal management, and test of
next-generation microsystems. Crosslisted with ME and MSE 4754.

Biomedical Instrumentation

A study of physiological sensing topics from a systems viewpoint. Pertinent physiological and electro-physiological concepts will be covered. Crosslisted with CHE and ME 4781

Biosystems Analysis

Signal processing and modeling tools are presented for analyzing biomedical signals, with a particular focus on physiologic monitoring for human health and performance. Crosslisted with CHE and ME 4782.

Introduction to Medical Image Processing

A study of mathematical methods used in medical acquisition and processing. Concepts, algorithms, and methods associated with acquisition, processing, and display of two- and three-dimensional medical images are studied. Crosslisted with BMED 4783.

Engineering Electrophysiology

Basic concepts of electrophysiology from an engineering perspective. Functionality of relevant organs and systems; instrumentation tools which monitor electrophysiological function. Crosslisted with BMED 4784.

Laser Theory and Applications

Provides an introduction to the theory and applications of laser
principles and related instrumentation. Emphasis is on the fundamental
principles underlying laser action. Crosslisted with PHYS 4751.

Electronic Packaging Substrate Fabrication

Hands-on instruction in interconnect design, substrate material selection and properties, photodielectric deposition, via formation and photolithography, copper metallization, and substrate testing. Crosslisted with CHE 4755.

Industrial Controls and Manufacturing

Students are introduced to industrial controls and the fundamentals of
manufacturing with hands-on experience based on lab projects using
industry software and hardware for communications and control.
Crosslisted with TFE 4761.

Introduction to Bioengineering

An introduction to the field of bioengineering, including the application
of engineering principles and methods to problems in biology and
medicine,the integration of engineering with biology, and the
emerging industrial opportunities.

Modeling and Simulation: Foundations and Implementation

Foundations and algorithms concerning the development of conceptual models for systems, and their realization in the form of computer software; discrete and continuous models. Crosslisted with CSE 6730.

Manufacturing Seminar

Guest speakers on a broad range of manufacturing-related topics: research,
applications, and technology. Required for Certificate in Manufacturing.
Cross-listed with ISYE and ME 6792.

Introduction to Robotics Research

Familiarizes students with the core areas of robotics; mechanics, control, perception, AI, and autonomy. Provides an introduction to the mathematical tools required in robotics research. Crosslisted with AE and CS 7785.

Robotics Research Foundation I

Multidisciplinary research course supervised by two robotics faculty from different schools participating in the robotics Ph.D. program. Crosslisted with AE and CS 8750.

Robotics Research Foundation II

Continuation of AE/CS/ECE 8750 (Robotics Research Foundation I). Crosslisted with AE and CS 8751.