Arijit Raychowdhury has been appointed as the ON Semiconductor Junior Professor in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), effective September 1.

ECE Ph.D. student Nelson E. Lourenco has been honored with the 2015 IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) Graduate Scholarship Award.

ECE Associate Professor Azad Naeemi will lead a new benchmarking program to evaluate new and emerging computing devices.

ECE Ph.D. student Song Hu will receive an IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Graduate Fellowship later this spring.

Maryam Saeedifard has been named as the Atlanta IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Outstanding Engineer for 2015.

Stanislav (Stas) Emelianov has been appointed as the Joseph M. Pettit Chair in Microelectronics and as a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar.

The Atlanta chapter of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS)/Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society has been selected for the 2014 IEEE SSCS Outstanding Chapter Award.

A paper published by ECE Professor Emmanouil M. (Manos) Tentzeris and his colleagues has been named as one of the 50 most downloaded IEEE Sensors Journal papers for the months of November and December 2014.

Deepak Divan has been appointed as the John E. Pippin Chair Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and as a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar.

Micro-electromechanial systems offer new ways to detect sound, motion, position, force and other variables.

A new microfluidic device for capturing rare circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is the first designed specifically to capture clusters of two or more cells.

System allows human to control robots with finger and beams of light.

Researchers have realized one of the long-standing theoretical predictions in nonlinear optical metamaterials: creation of a nonlinear material that has opposite refractive indices at the fundamental and harmonic frequencies of light.

Collaboration Expands University's World-class Research Capabilities in Energy and Other Technical Areas

Seed funding from Coulter Foundation is designed to accelerate nine promising projects.

Georgia Tech identified least-cost clean power pathways that would lower household electricity bills and reduce carbon pollution.

Solar cell-maker Suniva Inc. will invest nearly $100 million in an expansion at its metro Atlanta headquarters, creating up to 500 jobs in Norcross.

The session, moderated by Dr. Paul Joseph - External User Program Coordinator and Biomedical Consulting Specialist at GT-IEN, featured five speakers from the joint Georgia Tech – Emory University Bioengineering program.

Read the full story in the latest issue of Research Horizons magazine, now online.

Researchers are putting liquid cooling right where it’s needed the most – a few hundred microns away from where the transistors are operating.

Linda S. Milor and her students – T. Liu, C.-C. Chen, and S. Cha – received the Best Paper Award at ESREF 2015 (European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics, and Analysis), held October 5-9 in Toulouse, France.

Georgia Tech innovations are making unmanned aircraft, boats and submersibles smarter and more capable.

One of the world’s leading airline companies is developing a collaborative research center in the heart of Tech Square.

Tech4Good, Idea to Prototype, and the Capstone Design Expo will let students show what they have been working on this semester.

Georgia Tech and its industry partners demonstrate pioneering advances in 3D Glass-based RF modules and Integrated Passive Devices (3D IPDs) as the next stage of evolution.

Georgia Tech faculty, postdocs and student researchers play a crucial role in the first-ever observation of a gravitational wave.

In emergencies, people may trust robots too much, a new study has found.

Researchers are using device fingerprints to help secure the electrical grid.

Researchers have demonstrated a novel reconfigurable computing device that uses much less power than comparable digital devices.

Georgia Tech researchers are developing a broad range of energy technologies.

Researchers are borrowing cellphone technology to track living cells on microfluidic chips.

At Georgia Tech, researchers are addressing thermal challenges for electronic equipment in broad and bold ways.

Researchers have developed a new technique for identifying promotional infections of websites operated by government and educational organizations.

New acoustic device research reveals even a healthy knee makes cringeworthy sounds. But the audio can be turned into graphs, and researchers hope they will some day become medically useful.

A team of scientists has developed a relatively simple mathematical explanation for the rogue ocean waves that can develop seemingly out of nowhere.

DARPA awards $9.4 million to develop a new technique for monitoring IoT devices.

A study of 20 major cloud hosting services has found that as many as 10 percent of the repositories hosted by them had been compromised.

The Georgia Tech Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies has expanded to include Amazon Web Services.

A simple solution-based processing technique could help reduce the cost of polymer solar cells.

GTRI researchers are adapting optical techniques to enhance U.S. electronic warfare capabilities.