Georgia Tech researchers Christopher R. Valenta and Gregory D. Durgin have been named the recipients of the 2014 IEEE Microwave Magazine Best Paper Award.
Georgia Tech researchers Christopher R. Valenta and Gregory D. Durgin have been named the recipients of the 2014 IEEE Microwave Magazine Best Paper Award.
They are being honored for their June 2014 article, “Harvesting Wireless Power,” which presents design rules and performance analysis for building state-of-the-art RF energy-harvesting devices. They will be presented with a plaque during the awards banquet at the 2015 IEEE International Microwave Symposium in Phoenix, Arizona this May. The award also comes with all-expense paid trips for the authors to attend the symposium in Phoenix, as well as a $2,000 cash prize.
Valenta is a fall 2014 Ph.D. graduate of the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and was advised by Durgin, an ECE associate professor and leader of the Georgia Tech Propagation Laboratory. Valenta now works as a research engineer in the Electro-Optical Systems Laboratory at the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
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