A paper published by ECE Professor Emmanouil M. (Manos) Tentzeris and his colleagues has been named as one of the 50 most downloaded IEEE Sensors Journal papers for the months of November and December 2014.

A paper published by Emmanouil M. (Manos) Tentzeris and his colleagues has been named as one of the 50 most downloaded IEEE Sensors Journal papers for the months of November and December 2014.

A professor in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tentzeris coauthored this paper with Arnaud Veda of the University of Montpellier 2 in France and Lauri Sydanheimo and Leena Ukkonen of Tampere University of Technology in Finland.

Their paper, entitled "A Fully Inkjet-Printed Wireless and Chipless Sensor for CO2 and Temperature Detection," presents a detailed study on the first fully inkjet-printed chipless wireless sensors on flexible substrates that can simultaneously sense carbon dioxide and temperature. The presented topology takes advantage of an inkjet-printed polymer/single walled carbon nanotube (CNT) composite ink and features a drastically lower cost than all existing solutions and can be printed on virtually every flexible substrate such as paper, plastic, or fabrics.

The findings from this paper could be applied in numerous areas ranging from wearable/implantable electronics and biomonitoring to smart skin, smart storage of perishable materials, the internet of things, and smart climate control and monitoring systems.