Optimization for Information Systems

An introduction to the fundamentals of optimization with a focus on algorithms and applications in signal processing, control systems, machine learning, and robotics.

Medical Image Processing

Studying biomedical image analysis techniques including image enhancement, analysis, classification, and interpretation for medical decision-making through practicals and projects. Cross-listed with BMED6780.

Digital Processing of Speech Signals

The application of digital signal processing to problems in speech
communication. Part of this goal requires a laboratory project.

Statistical Machine Learning

An introduction to the theory of statistical learning and practical machine learning algorithms with applications in signal processing and data analysis.

Medical Imaging Systems

A study of the principles and design of medical imaging systems such
as X-ray, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and nuclear magnetic
resonance. Cross-listed with BMED 6786.

Spatial Array Processing

Introduce application areas where signals are sampled over space and time.
Transfer knowledge of time-based techniques to spatial processing.
Develop algorithms unique to spatial processing.

Radar Imaging

An in depth study of digital signal processing methods for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image formation. Methods are also applicable to sonar.

Data Compression and Modeling

Theory and algorithms of signal encoding and decoding for data compression. Applications in information systems, digital telephony, digital television, and multimedia Internet.

Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing

Signal modeling including radar cross section, multipath, and
clutter. Properties of the ambiguity function and coded waveforms.
Algorithms for doppler processing, detection, and radar imaging.

Methods of Pattern Recognition with Application to Voice

Theory and application of pattern recognition with a special
application section for automatic speech recognition and related
signal processing.

Introduction to Signal Processing

Introduction to discrete-time signal processing and linear systems. Sampling theorem. Filtering. Frequency response. Discrete Fourier Transform. Z Transform. Laboratory emphasizes computer-based signal processing.

Random Signals and Applications

Introduction to random signals and processes with emphasis on applications in ECE. Includes basic estimation theory, linear prediction, and statistical modeling.

Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. Sampling Theorem,Discrete-time
Fourier transform,power spectrum,discrete Fourier transform and the FFT
algorithm,z-Transform, digital filter design and implementation.

Applications of Digital Signal Processing

Applications of DSP in speech, image processing, radar, pattern
recognition, and adaptive filtering requiring working software
implementations applied to the analysis of real signals.

Introduction to Probability and Statistics for ECE

Introduction to probability, random variables, distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, linear regression and other tools for describing and managing uncertainty in electrical and computer engineering.

Design Synthesis of Application-Specific Signal Processors

Fundamentals of theory and practice of DSP chip design in VHDL. Exposure
to tools and environments for chip design, simulation, and verification.

Digital Image Processing

An introduction to the fundamentals and the theory of multidimensional signal processing and digital image processing, including key applications in multimedia products and services including machine learning

DSP Hardware Systems Design

A study of theory and practice in the design and implementation of
DSP algorithms on programmable processors, multiprocessors, and

Signal Detection and Estimation

Detection theory and estimation theory and their application to
communications and statistical signal processing problems.

DSP Software Systems Design

Specification, evaluation, and implementation of realtime DSP applications
on embedded DSP-based environments.

Cryptography and Security

Algebraic and number theory approaches to cryptographic techniques, information security, secret key and public key encryption, signature schemes, hash functions, message authentication, and key distribution. Credit not allowed for both ECE 6280 and CS 6260.

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

An introduction to advanced signal processing methods that are
used in a variety of application areas.

Adaptive Filtering

Basic theory of adaptive filter design and implementation.
Steepest descent, LMS algorithm, nonlinear adaptive filters, and
neural networks. Analysis of performance and applications.

Advanced Signal Processing Theory

A lecture and seminar treatment of the latest developments in signal
processing. Emphasis is placed on current literature and emerging
research areas.