Douglas B. Williams has been named senior associate chair for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the Georgia Institute of Technology, effective October 1.

ECE Associate Professor Maysam Ghovanloo will take part in the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions as a member of the Forum’s Young Scientists community.

Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering has been named the recipient of the 2011 IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award.

ECE Professor John Papapolymerou has been appointed editor-in-chief of IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters.

The Father's Day Council of Atlanta has selected ECE alumnus, Robert (Bob) Stargel, Jr. as one of four recipients of the 2012 Father of the Year Award.

ECE Associate Professor Santiago Grijalva has been appointed as an associate director of the Strategic Energy Institute at Georgia Tech.

This article was written by John D. Cressler for the July/August 2011 issue of IEEE Potentials.

Jennifer E. Michaels has been named interim associate chair for ECE Undergraduate Affairs, effective July 1.

Douglas B. Williams will become the interim chair for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, effective July 1.

ECE faculty members Matthieu Bloch and Steven McLaughlin win the IEEE Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award.

The Father's Day Council of Atlanta has selected Gary S. May as one of three recipients of the 2011 Father of the Year Award.

Five Georgia Tech faculty members have been elected as IEEE Fell

Robert J. Butera, Jr. named faculty director of Graduate Studies

G. Tong Zhou and Steven W. McLaughlin are among the Fellows chos

ECE Associate Professor Santiago Grijalva will receive the HENAAC Outstanding Technical Achievement Award at the Great Minds in STEM Conference, to be held October 2-5 in New Orleans.

ECE Associate Professor Santiago Grijalva was named as a Georgia Power Distinguished Professor, effective March 1.

ECE School Chair Steven W. McLaughlin recently talked with bloggers from AroundTI about university research and the present and future of engineering education.

ECE Professor Ayanna Howard has been named to Atlanta Magazine's Innovation Index.

Raghupathy Sivakumar has been appointed as the Ken Byers Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech, effective November 1.

Bernard Kippelen, a professor in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), has been named as a Joseph M. Pettit Professor, effective September 1.

ECE Professor Biing-Hwang (Fred) Juang has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).

As college students surge into electrical engineering degree programs, educators are pressured to find the best methods of teaching an evolving body of knowledge.

ECE Professor Abdallah Ougazzaden was awarded the Medal of the City of Metz on September 16 by Mayor Dominique Gros.

Sung Kyu Lim has been appointed as the Dan Fielder Professor in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), effective July 1, 2014.

Georgia Tech’s newest international initiative, the Georgia Tech-Shenzhen Master of Science (M.S.) Degree Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) launched successfully in Shenzhen, China on August 18, 2014.

C. Dean Alford (BEE ’76) received the Engineer of the Year in Industry Award from the Georgia Society of Professional Engineers at the 2014 Georgia Engineers Week Awards Gala, held on February 14 at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center.

FACES has aided over 300 minority students in earning Ph.D.s.

Gary S. May, Steve W. Chaddick School Chair Professor, writes

A House Built on Sand was written by ECE School Chair Gary S. May

ECE Holds Steady in 2011 U.S. News & World Report Graduate Ranki

Gary May will receive the 2010 EE Outstanding Alumni Award from

The Georgia Institute of Technology is pleased to announce the appointment of three new Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) Eminent Scholars–Deepak Divan, Stanislav Emelianov, and Ravi Kane–bringing the Institute’s total of GRA Eminent Scholars to 22.

Sudhakar Yalamanchili has been promoted to the rank of Regents’ Professor in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), effective November 1.

One of the world’s leading airline companies is developing a collaborative research center in the heart of Tech Square.

Egerstedt will replace the founding executive director of IRIM, Henrik I. Christensen, who is moving to the University of California, San Diego.

The Center for Advanced Electronics through Machine Learning (CAEML) seeks to accelerate advances by leveraging machine-learning techniques to develop new models for electronic design automation (EDA) tools create and verify chip designs for market.