Vijay Sukumaran and Rao Tummala take Intel Best Student Paper Honors.
Four ECE Ph.D. students win first prize awards at SAIC Competition.
Zubin Mevawalla and Gary May receive Best Student Abstract Award.
Manos Tentzeris wins the SFI E.T.S. Walton Visitor Award.
Xiaoli Ma won a teaching excellence award from Lockheed Martin.
W. Alan Doolittle won a FY 2010 Creating Energy Option Award.
ECE Assistant Professor Justin Romberg will receive a PECASE awa
Ronald G. Harley has been promoted to the rank of Regents' Prof
Saibal Mukhopadhyay wins 2009 IBM Partnership Award.
Patricio Vela received an NSF CAREER Award for visual tracking w
Honggab Kim wins Best Student Paper Award at ACM/IEEE Conference
ECE Assistant Professor Justin K. Romberg is a 2009 Packard Fell
Ayanna Howard tapped as an Emerging Scholar by Diverse Magazine
Emmanouil M. (Manos) Tentzeris is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer
ECE professor earns Best Paper honors at microwave conference
ECE Assistant Professor Fumin Zhang receives NSF CAREER Award.
GSI Group won two Best Paper Awards at recent conferences
Ann Trippe receives IEEE Scholarship.
Nikil Jayant Receives IISc Distinguished Alumnus Award
ECE Professor Ian Ferguson is one of 59 new Fellows of SPIE for
Gabriel Rincon-Mora has been named an IEEE/CASS Distinguished Le
ECE Assistant Professor Bo Hong receives NSF CAREER Award.
John Papapolymerou named 2009 IEEE MTT-S Young Engineer Award wi
Jon Jenkins leads the data analysis group for NASA's Kepler Miss
Alan Doolittle receives WOCSEMMAD Most Valuable Contribution Awa
Ajeet Rohatgi, Suniva receive top Atlanta Business Chronicle hon
AccerlerEyes is a finalist in the GRA/TAG Business Launch Compet
Five Georgia Tech faculty members have been elected as IEEE Fell
Ga. Tech-developed mobile site enriches game day with multimedia
Maysam Ghovanloo wins top faculty honor at inaugural Gold Tower
Robert J. Butera, Jr. named faculty director of Graduate Studies
ECE Professor Miroslav Begovic has been elected treasurer of IEE
Ajeet Rohatgi makes the cover of Georgia Trend magazine
NEETRAC Personnel Win Best Conference Paper Honors.
Gabriel Rincon-Mora has been elected as a Fellow of IET.
U.S. President George W. Bush hosted an Iftaar dinner.
Theresa Maldonado has been named executive associate vice presid
Nearly half of the crew of Endeavour will be Georgia Tech alumni
G. Tong Zhou and Steven W. McLaughlin are among the Fellows chos