ECE Ph.D. student Paragkumar Thadesar has has been named the recipient of the Outstanding Poster Paper Award from the IEEE 63rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), held last May in Las Vegas.

Georgia Tech has been awarded $1.7 million to help detect cyber attacks on utility companies.

The Georgia Tech Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning named six faculty members from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) as recipients of the Class of 1934 Course Survey Teaching Effectiveness Award .

ECE Professor Geoffrey Ye Li was honored with two IEEE awards–the James E. Avant Garde Award and the IEEE Communications Society Wireless Communications Technical Committee (WTC) Wireless Recognition Award–during fall semester 2013.

ECE Professor Ali Adibi has been named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Nanophotonics for a three-year term.

ECE Professor Thomas G. Habetler has been elected to the IEEE-USA Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2014.

ECE Assistant Professor Matthieu Bloch took part in the EU-US Frontiers in Engineering Symposium, held November 21-23 in Chantilly, France.