ECE Assistant Professor Sam Coogan has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his research project entitled “Correct-By-Design Control of Traffic Flow Networks.”

ECE Assistant Professor Tushar Krishna has been selected for a National Science Foundation (NSF) CISE Research Initiation Initiative Award.

Celine Irvene and Jenna McGrath were named IISP Cybersecurity Fellows for Spring '18.

Applications for the 13th Annual Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium are now open. Students have until Friday, March 9, 2018 to apply.

Georgia Tech’s Center for Co-design of Chip, Package System (C3PS) led by Profs. A. Raychowdhury and M. Swaminathan headed-up Georgia Tech’s winning proposal that resulted in a 5 year, $3.5M award that will fund up to 10 GRA positions.

The popular ECE 6258 Digital Image Processing class introduces graduate students to the field of image and video processing, in addition to new advancements in related fields such as machine learning and computer vision.

ECE Professor Abdallah Ougazzaden has been named to the National Academy of Metz as an honorary member.

Four Georgia Tech faculty members were named IEEE Fellows, effective January 1, 2018. They are BME Professor Jaydev Desai, ECE Professors Saibal Mukhopadhyay and Justin Romberg, and GTRI Senior Research Engineer Kevin James “Jim” Sangston.

Researchers have addressed one of the most significant challenges to the use of organic thin-film transistors.

A modification in a University System of Georgia (USG) policy may mean less out-of-pocket costs for staff and faculty who want to go back to school.