When the 2025 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) kicks off in Monterey, Cali. on March 30, there will be plenty of researchers from Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) sharing their work at the premiere microelectronics reliability conference.

It’s highlighted by Ph.D. student Wei Chun Wang, advised by ECE Professor Saibal Mukhopadhyay, who will be accepting the Best Poster Presentation Award from last year’s conference for his paper, “Measurement of Aging Effect on an Analog Computing-In-Memory Macro in 28nm CMOS.”

The award-winning paper characterized the aging effect in an 8T-static-random access memory-based analog computing-in-memory (ACIM) circuit.

Additionally, ECE Ph.D. student Priyankka Ravikumar’s paper, “First write pulse-induced interface damage in ferroelectric field-effect transistors traps," is an invited paper to the conference, having won the Best Paper Award at the 2024 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop.

Another Ph.D. student, Prasanna Venkatesan’s paper, “Enhanced Memory Performance in Ferroelectric NAND Applications: The Role of Tunnel Dielectric Position for Robust 10-year Retention," was selected as a Highlighted Paper by the conference.

Both Ravikumar and Venkatesan are advised by Associate Professor Asif Khan.

In total, eight new papers from ECE faculty members and students have been accepted to this year’s conference.

Four come from Khan’s research group:

  • Multi-Scale Modeling-Driven Material to Device Co-Optimization of Ferroelectric Capacitors with Oxygen Reservoir Layer (ORL) for Improved Endurance, Andrea Padovani 1, Nashrah Afroze 2, Jihoon Choi 3, Yu Hsin Kuo 2, Priyankka Ravikumar 2, Mengkun Tian 2, Prasanna Venkatesan 2, Luca Larcher 4, Jun Hee Lee 3, Asif Khan 2, Gaurav Thareja 4
    • 1. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 2. Georgia Tech, 3. Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology, 4. Applied Materials
  • First write pulse-induced interface damage in ferroelectric field-effect transistors, Priyankka Gundlapudi Ravikumar 1, Chinsung Park 1, Prasanna Venkatesan 1, Nashrah Afroze 1, Mengkun Tian 1, Winston Chern 1, Suman Datta 1, Shimeng Yu 1, Souvik Mahapatra 2, Asif Khan 1
    • 1. Georgia Tech, 2. IIT Bombay
  • Enhanced Memory Performance in Ferroelectric NAND Applications: The Role of Tunnel Dielectric position for Robust 10-year Retention, Prasanna Venkatesan 1, Andrea Padovani 2, Lance Fernandes 1, Priyankka Ravikumar 1, Chinsung Park 1, Huy Tran 1, Zekai Wang 1, Hari Jayasankar 3, Amrit Garlapati 3, TaeYoung Song 1, Hang Chen 1, Winston Chern 1, Zheng Wang 4, Kijoon Kim 5, Jongho Woo 5, Suhwan Lim 5, Kwangsoo Kim 5, Wanki Kim 5, Daewon Ha 5, Shimeng Yu 1, Suman Datta 1, Luca Larcher 6, Gaurav Thareja 6, Asif Khan 1
    • 1. Georgia Tech, 2. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 3. Georgia Institute of Technology, 4. Micron Technology Inc., 5. Samsung Electronics, 6. Applied Materials
  • Understanding correlation between memory window closure, leakage and read delay effects for FeFET reliability improvement: role of IL and FE traps, Priyankka Ravikumar 1, Andrea Padovani 2, Prasanna Venkatesan 1, Chinsung Park 1, Nashrah Afroze 1, Mengkun Tian 1, Suman Dutta 1, Shimeng Yu 1, Luca Larcher 3, Gaurav Thareja 3, Asif Khan 1
    • 1. Georgia Tech, 2. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 3. Applied Materials

Two from Professor Shimeng Yu’s research group:

  • Machine Learning-Assisted Modeling of AC Stress Induced Bias Temperature Instability in Oxide Channel Transistors for 2T Gain Cell eDRAM, Jungyoun Kwak 1, ChengYang Zhang 1, Gyujun Jeong 1, Omkar Phadke 1, Sharadindu Gopal Kirtania 1, Junmo Lee 1, Suman Datta 1, Shimeng Yu 1
  • Modeling Dynamic Interplay Between Charge Traps and Polarization for Memory Window Enhancement in Gate Injection Layers,Minji Shon 1, Chinsung Park 1, Prasanna Venkatesan 1, Lance Fernandes 1, Kijoon Kim 2, Jongho Woo 2, Suhwan Lim 2, Kwangsoo Kim 2, Wanki Kim 2, Daewon Ha 2, Suman Datta 1, Asif Khan 1, Shimeng Yu 1
    • 1. Georgia Tech, 2. Samsung Electronics

One from Professor Suman Datta’s research group:

  • Radiation-Resilient Amorphous Indium Oxide FEFETs for Embedded Nonvolatile Memory, Sharadindu Gopal Kirtania 1, Faaiq G. Waqar 1, Dyutimoy Chakraborty 1, Jaewon Shin 1, Eknath Sarkar 1, Justin Reiss 2, Jason Dean Yeager 2, Douglas E. Wolfe 2, Shimeng Yu 1, Suman Datta 1
    • 1. Georgia Tech, 2. Pennsylvania State University

And one from professor Saibal Mukhopadhyay’s group:

  • A Comparative Analysis of Aging Effects on Computing-In-Memory Systems in 28nm CMOS, Shida Zhang 1, Wei-Chun Wang 1, Carlos Tokunaga 2, Saibal Mukhopadhyay 1
    • 1. Georgia Tech, 2. Intel

IRPS runs from March 30 – April 3. For more information on the conference, click here.

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