The highly regarded prize recognizes ECE researcher’s pioneering work enabling mass production of compound semiconductors that fuel our information age.
Researchers at Georgia Tech, funded by a $4 million DARPA grant, are developing METALLIC, a framework to analyze and mitigate exploit chains—complex, multi-step cyberattacks.
Research from Georgia Tech reveals thousands of browser extensions pose significant privacy risks by extracting sensitive user data from web pages, highlighting a need for stricter privacy measures and better enforcement.
The center offers educational experiences for students of all ages, as well as teachers and external partners, which will help the U.S. meet the demand for the technology that infuses our daily lives.
Stanislav Emelianov, Joseph M. Pettit Endowed Chair, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar has been named co-director of the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Pediatric Technology Center.
Chris Rozell traveled to Washington, D.C. to share the impacts of the past decade of brain research funded by the NIH BRAIN Initiative with Congress — and share with local representatives how Georgia Tech is playing a key role in leading the charge.
Georgia Tech is one of the first research universities in the country to receive the GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip from NVIDIA for testing, study, and research.
Engineers and computer scientists show how bad actors can exploit browser-based control systems in industrial facilities with easy-to-deploy, difficult-to-detect malware.
Individual robots can work collectively as swarms to create major advances in everything from construction to surveillance, but microrobots’ small scale is ideal for drug delivery, disease diagnosis, and even surgeries.
The French National Research Agency has awarded a grant to Georgia Tech and Georgia Tech-Lorraine researchers to develop technology for a new class of cochlear implants.
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have found a detection method that could revolutionize cancer treatment by showing how cancers metastasize and what stage they are.
Imagine you’re a college student cramming for a test in your dorm room. What if there was a way for the school supplies and food to be delivered right to your dorm – not by car or foot, but by drone?
Researchers used terahertz imaging and signal processing techniques to look beneath the corroded surface of a 16th-century lead funerary cross, revealing an inscription of the Lord's Prayer.
The search for the new GTRI Deputy Director for Research for the Information and Cyber Sciences Directorate (ICSD) is complete, and on April 18, William H. Robinson, Ph.D., will assume the role.
She is being recognized for her research contributions in “highly-efficient, power-dense and fault-tolerant multilevel converter-based medium-voltage drives.”
Replacing the potent greenhouse gas SF6 in high-voltage circuit breakers with a clean alternative is critical as the U.S. looks to upgrade its aging electrical infrastructure.
Harnessing the power of “phase-change” materials, Georgia Tech researchers have demonstrated how reconfigurable metasurfaces — artificial materials with extraordinary optical properties — are crucial to the future of nanotechnology.
Through a collaboration with Cisco, Georgia Tech Technology is pursuing 30 quick-turn research projects that touch on key priority areas such as internet for the future, capabilities at the edge, and optimized application experiences.
Clinical work begins with MagTrack, a cutting-edge assistive technology that enables power wheelchair users to control their connected devices and drive their power wheelchairs using an alternative, multimodal controller.
Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Nokia Bell Labs, and Heriot-Watt University have found a low-cost way for backscatter radios to support high-throughput communication and 5G-speed Gb/sec data transfer using only a single transistor.