Tech a top-ranked public institution overall and in career placement

Second-year electrical engineering major Katie Bishop is one of six Georgia Tech undergraduates who has been chosen for a Brooke Owens Fellowship. 

Georgia Tech graduate students can further their research and earn $6K in 10-week, paid summer internship.

ECE's Poulami Das has been chosen for a Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship.

Georgia Tech’s Counseling Center has expanded its staff and mental health services with the launch of a satellite counselor program.

Georgia Tech faculty members Stanislav Emelianov, Richard Fujimoto, and Vivek Sarkar have been named IEEE Fellows, the society’s highest grade of membership, effective January 1, 2020.

ECE Assistant Professor Tushar Krishna will have one of his recent research papers featured in the IEEE Micro “Top Picks from Computer Architecture Conferences,” to be published in the May/June 2020 issue. 

Alahna Smith capitalizes on being a Clark Scholar

Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have demonstrated the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in obtaining valuable insights to the operation of photonic nanostructures, which manipulate light.

Take advantage of the career exploration opportunities at this year's CRIDC.