A set of campus surveys this month is gauging the Georgia Tech community’s comfort with returning to campus and practicing health and safety measures during the Covid-19 pandemic.

A set of campus surveys this month is gauging the Georgia Tech community’s comfort with returning to campus and practicing health and safety measures during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Faculty, staff, and students have all received an email message inviting them to complete their respective survey. Responses are confidential, and results will be shared with senior leadership to inform what tools and support may be needed as employees and students return to campus. Results will also be shared with the campus at large.

Undergraduate and graduate students can access the surveys for their groups at https://comm.gatech.edu/moving-tech-forward/surveys. Employees received an email from Human Resources with their survey link, and faculty members also received a survey from the campus recovery task force. Employees have until Monday, June 29, to provide feedback.