ECE Ph.D. student Nelson E. Lourenco has been awarded the 2015 NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) Fellowship.

Georgia Tech’s campus is home to many research laboratories, but how often is Tech itself the subject of research?

ECE Ph.D. student Adrian Ildefonso has been awarded the 2015 Goizueta Foundation Fellowship.

ECE Ph.D. student Nelson E. Lourenco has been awarded the 2015 IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) Paul Phelps Award.

The Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech has announced the winners for the 2014-15 Fall Seed Grant Awards.

A new microfluidic device for capturing rare circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is the first designed specifically to capture clusters of two or more cells.

ECE Professor Ayanna Howard has been named as one of the 23 most powerful women engineers in the world by Business Insider.

Gimme, a company founded by past and present ECE students, has won the 10th annual TAG Business Launch Competition.

System allows human to control robots with finger and beams of light.

The Center for 21st Century Universities recently assembled a team of “flipping veterans" to share successes and failures they’ve experienced in learning to flip a class.