Georgia Tech's Raheem Beyah ponders whether TCP protocol vulnerabilities add risk to the Mars Rover or persist in other systems used by NASA.

ECE Associate Professor Azad Naeemi will lead a new benchmarking program to evaluate new and emerging computing devices.

Georgia Tech ranked seventh among public universities and 36th among all national universities

As cybercriminals become more cunning, Georgia Tech researchers expand their arsenal of security innovations.

This program is open to any current Georgia Tech or GTRI faculty member as project PI. The graduate student performing the research should be in the first 2 years of his/her graduate studies.

The Georgia Tech Fall Career Fair is quickly approaching Sept. 14–15.

The Georgia Institute of Technology is pleased to announce the appointment of three new Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) Eminent Scholars–Deepak Divan, Stanislav Emelianov, and Ravi Kane–bringing the Institute’s total of GRA Eminent Scholars to 22.

Solar cell-maker Suniva Inc. will invest nearly $100 million in an expansion at its metro Atlanta headquarters, creating up to 500 jobs in Norcross.

The session, moderated by Dr. Paul Joseph - External User Program Coordinator and Biomedical Consulting Specialist at GT-IEN, featured five speakers from the joint Georgia Tech – Emory University Bioengineering program.

ECE Associate Professor Arijit Raychowdhury has been selected for a CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award from the National Science Foundation.