ECE Ph.D. student Matt O’Shaughnessy has won the prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship.

On April 19, 2017, the Opportunity Research Scholar’s (ORS) program held its 15th annual Research Awards Banquet.

As an Undergraduate Research Ambassador, you can help to develop your own research programming to engage students.

Student startup Amanzi Solar won first place and a check for $5,000 in the Ideas Track of the Ideas to Serve (I2S) Competition on April 19, 2017.

Robert Butera Named Associate Dean for Research and Innovation effective May 1.

On April 20, the following students were recognized for their achievements throughout the past academic year.

Idea to Prototype (I2P) is Georgia Tech’s only undergraduate research course that allows all students (of all majors) to receive research credits, mentorship, and a financial grant to build their invention idea into a fully functioning prototype.

Two cybersecurity research projects by students in the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering each won $5,000 for commercialization potential at the "Demo Day Finale" held April 13, 2017.

Johns Hopkins’ Gregory S. Chirikjian will join IRIM as our first Visiting Faculty Fellow on Monday, April 17.

Associate Dean for Research Nancey Green Leigh answered a few questions about the future of robotics at the College of Design and Georgia Tech.