SEMI, the global microelectronics industry association, has chosen ECE Ph.D. student William Wahby to present his award-winning SRC TECHCON research paper at the SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium, to be held January 8-11, 2017 in Half Moon Bay, California.

ECE Ph.D. student Charles Munson received the first place prize at Trophée MC6, a French scientific startup competition.

ECE Ph.D. students Saad Bin Nasir and Jong Seok Park have been named as recipients of the 2016-2017 Predoctoral Achievement Awards, given by the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS).

Twenty-five teams from the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and three interdisciplinary teams with ECE student participants presented their projects at the Fall 2016 Capstone Design Expo. 

ECE Assistant Professor Alenka Zajic has been selected for the 2016-2017 LexisNexis Dean's Excellence Award, which recognizes outstanding educators from among untenured junior faculty at the assistant professor level.

ECE Ph.D. students Jong Seok Park and Moez Karim Aziz won second place for the Best Live Demo Award at the 2016 IEEE Sensors Conference, held October 30-November 2 in Orlando, Florida.

ECE Professor Raheem Beyah has been named a Distinguished Scientist in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) “for contributions in networking and security.” 

Research Paper Featuring Researchers from the School of Computer Science and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Wins Coveted Best Paper Award.

Raheem Beyah and Xiaojing Liao won third place at the Cyber Security Awareness Week (CSAW) Applied Research Competition, a prestigious contest for graduate and doctoral level security researchers who have published papers in the last year.

A simple solution-based processing technique could help reduce the cost of polymer solar cells.