Ph.D. candidate Mohammad Nikbakht in Professor Omer Inan's research group earned Best Paper recognition at the IEEE Conference on Body Sensor Networks for research on a miniaturized, fully digital, and wearable joint health sensing system.

Originating as a class project, the concept for low-cost, minimal waste communication satellites demonstrated its potential at the 2023 IEEE Wireless in Space and Extreme Environments conference.

New Battlefield Obscurants Could Give Warfighters Visibility Advantage

Clouds of tiny structures that are lighter than feathers – and whose properties can be remotely controlled by radio frequency (RF) signals – could one day give U.S. warfighters and their allies the ability to observe their adversaries while reducing how well they themselves can be seen. 

Hao's research team is developing an ultra-fast field-programmable gate array system to detect and track particles in high-energy physics experiments.

The inaugural award from MLCommons recognized Ph.D. candidate Zishen Wan as a “Rising Star” in machine learning research.