Three Georgia Tech students have been awarded 2010 Intel Ph.D. Fellowships. The program, which recognizes students working in fields related to Intel's business and research interests, recognized 27 outstanding Ph.D. students from 13 universities this year.

Three Georgia Tech students have been awarded 2010 Intel Ph.D. Fellowships. The program, which recognizes students working in fields related to Intel's business and research interests, recognized 27 outstanding Ph.D. students from 13 universities this year.

The following Georgia Tech Ph.D. students will receive the fellowship, which includes a cash award (tuition, fees and stipend), introduction to an Intel mentor and the opportunity to intern or conduct research for Intel:

  • Marshini Chetty, Human Centered Computing, Thesis: Surfacing Invisible Aspects of Domestic Networks to Affect Engagement with Infrastructure

  • Calvin King Jr., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Thesis: Thermal Management of Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits Using Inter-Layer Liquid Cooling
  • Shreyas Sen, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Thesis: Tolerant Variation Zero Margin Wireless Circuits and Systems for Low Power Operation.

  • Recipients were recently invited to the Ph.D. Fellowship forum at Intel where they met top technical leaders from across the country, as well as other Intel Fellows and senior principal engineers.

    According to Intel, the Ph.D. Fellowship Program is very competitive, with students pre-selected by their universities before applying for the award. Applicants are reviewed by Intel Fellows and senior technologists who choose the winners.