Undergraduate Students standing in the hallway

Get the Answers You Need

Explore our Undergraduate FAQs below for a comprehensive guide to commonly asked questions.  Find the information you need to make the most of your time at the School of ECE.

How do I make an appointment to see an advisor?

You may make an appointment with any ECE advisor through AdvisorLink ( Check the calendars for available time slots and verify the appointment is in the office (Van Leer 208) or online.

Can I just come to the office without an appointment? I just have a quick question.

No walk-ins are allowed. You must make an appointment to see an ECE undergraduate academic advisor. You may always email your advisor or the undergraduate office:

How do I know which threads to pick?

Explore each thread and see which two are most interesting to you and are related to your plans after graduation.  Each thread gives a depth of information and a sample of career paths.  All threads are explored in detail during ECE 1100.

How to add threads:

(Keep in mind: CMPE threads will be locked during Phase I registration.)

Where can I get help making my 4-year academic plan for graduation?

ECE has provided 8-semester plans for every thread combination for both the BSEE and BSCMPE degrees.

How do I change my major?

Complete the change of major form for undergraduate students through the Registrar’s DocuSign application. The form goes to the new major school first and then your current major to be approved and signed by each major’s advisor.

How does a transfer student outside of ECE change his/her major to EE or CMPE?

Non-majors must be enrolled for at least one semester at Georgia Tech.

Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.70.

Must meet the Georgia Tech Admissions requirements for EE and CMPE. Students must have completed CHEM 1310/1211K, CS 1301, ENGL 1101 and 1102, MATH 1551 and 1552, and PHYS 2211.

How do I declare a minor?

Most minors are approved by sending the minor form through DocuSign to be signed by the minor school and your major school.

Some minors require an additional application: Computer Science, Engineering and Business, Robotics

CMPE majors following the thread curriculum are not eligible to pursue a minor in CS.

Information for Undergraduate Minors:

Minor form:

Students may not graduate with an incomplete minor on their record. If you do not plan to complete the minor, submit the same form (link above) to remove the minor.

What is the minimum GPA required to meet degree requirements?

Students must earn a C or better in all CS, MATH, PHYS and ECE required courses. Additionally, students must earn a C or better in any required courses from a thread. Georgia Tech requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 to graduate.

What courses can I take pass-fail?

ECE allows its students to take humanities, social sciences (except the ECON requirement), science elective for EE majors, and approved/free electives as pass-fail. The course must be offered on a pass-fail basis.

ECE 1100 and ECE 3005 are two required courses for the thread curriculum and are only offered on a pass-fail basis.  These count for 2 hours toward a student’s pass-fail allowance. 

ECE students may use up to 7 credit hours of pass/fail credit towards the degree.

  • Limited to 6 pass/fail hours if 71 to 90 GT credit hours earned.
  • Limited to 3 pass/fail hours if 45 to 70 GT credit hours earned.
  • No pass/fail hours allowed if <45 GT credit hours are earned. 

During phase 1 and phase 2 registration, students may change the basis of a course through the Buzzport accounts. After phase 2 until the mid-semester drop day, you must send ECE a grade mode change form to be approved and signed.

How does research count toward my degree?

Students may use up to 6 hours of research (special problems, research section, or VIP) toward FREE electives. If a student decides on the research option (completing a thesis), then ECE will allow 9 hours of research to count toward the degree. In this case, 3 hours of ECE 4699 may apply to one EE thread elective requiring an ECE 3000/4000 level elective and 6 hours may apply to FREE electives.

Students who complete a 2-semester research project, ECE 3951/3952 or ECE 4951/4952, may apply these 3 hours to an EE thread requiring an ECE 3000/4000 level elective. The max hours allowed of research for two threads is 3 hours.

What is the grade substitution policy?

A student who earns an unsatisfactory grade in a course (D or F) may repeat that course within a year and submit a grade substitution form. The initial grade continues to appear on the GT transcript, but the quality points will no longer be averaged into your GT GPA. Students may use a grade sub twice throughout their undergraduate academic career.



What are my options to complete senior design?

There are 2 pathways for EE and CMPE majors.

1-The two-semester ECE team project: Students work with their same team for 2 consecutive semesters on an ECE project. You can do this series either fall-spring or spring-fall. Current course numbers are ECE 4013 and ECE 4014.

2- The single semester project with an ECE team, a multidisciplinary team, or if available, Create-X.  ECE 3011 is a required prerequisite for any single semester design project.  ECE 3011 = free elective only. 

How do I request a permit for an ECE course?

Please make a request during registration through the ECE Permit System:

ECE will receive and review all requests and respond in a timely manner. Due to helping our current load of students and monitoring permit requests, your patience during registration is appreciated.

I need to miss class and need an approved absence. How do I get one?

An approved absence can be granted for a student’s participation in an institute’s activity (ex: field trips, athletic events). This request will be approved by the Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee of the Academic Senate. Contact the Registrar’s office for the form:

I am a CMPE student with a CS thread. What is the process to register for CS courses?

CMPE students who have selected a CS thread are granted access to CS courses during PHASE I registration period if the threads are declared in DegreeWorks. Students with declared CS threads will be granted priority registration for just CS courses within that thread during PHASE I.  

Find instructions for adding threads here:

Video instructions are here: