Analysis and design of electronic circuits and systems. Biasing, small-signal analysis, frequency response, feedback amplifiers, active filters, non-linear op-amp applications, and oscillators.
Non-renewable and renewable/sustainable energy sources. Processes, costs, and environmental impact of conversion into electric energy. Delivery and control of electric energy, electromechanical systems.
Advanced digital design issues in the context of VLSI systems. Introduction to a design methodology that encompasses the range from architectural models to circuit simulation.
Properties of semiconductor devices. Applications in current and future computers, fiber optic and wireless communication systems. Future needs of high frequency, GHz-range, device operation.
Analysis and design of control systems. Laplace transforms, transfer functions, and stability. Feedback systems: tracking and disturbance rejection. Graphical design techniques.
Continuous-time linear systems and signals, their mathematical representations, and computational tools; Fourier and Laplace transforms, convolutions, input-output responses, stability.
Using computer algorithms for solving electrical engineering problems arising in
various application domains. Development of effective algorithms and their
implementation by object-oriented code.