Measurements, Circuits and Microelectronics Laboratory
Theory and experiments related to the design, analysis, construction, and measurement of elementary passive and active analog circuits using both discrete and integrated devices.
Electrical Energy Systems
Non-renewable and renewable/sustainable energy sources. Processes, costs, and environmental impact of conversion into electric energy. Delivery and control of electric energy, electromechanical systems.
Introduction to Signal Processing
Introduction to discrete-time signal processing and linear systems. Sampling theorem. Filtering. Frequency response. Discrete Fourier Transform. Z Transform. Laboratory emphasizes computer-based signal processing.
Digital Design Laboratory
Design and implementation of digital systems, including a team design project. CAD tools, project design methodologies, logic synthesis, and assembly language programming.
Programming for Hardware/Software Systems
Creation of complex execution and storage mechanisms, based on instruction set architecture, for software design including high-level programming languages and operating systems. Programming design projects.
Professional and Technical Communications for ECE
Written, oral, and visual communication skills required by electrical and computer engineers. Prepares students for advanced communication tasks required in academic and professional settings.
Co-Curricular Professional Communications for ECE
This course documents student completion of ECE professional communications requirement through workshops, seminars, research projects, co/extra-curricular activities, etc.
Fundamentals of Digital System Design
Computer system and digital design principles. Switch and gate design, Boolean algebra, number systems, arithmetic, storage elements. Datapath, memory organization. Instruction set architecture, assembly language.
Engineering Software Design
Object-oriented software methods for engineering applications. Numerical analysis methods; simulations and graphical presentation of simulation results; analysis of numerical precision. Programming projects.
Introduction to Probability and Statistics for ECE
Introduction to probability, random variables, distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, linear regression and other tools for describing and managing uncertainty in electrical and computer engineering.
Signals and Systems
Continuous-time linear systems and signals, their mathematical representations, and computational tools; Fourier and Laplace transforms, convolutions, input-output responses, stability.
ECE Culminating Design Project I
First semester of ECE culminating design sequence. Design tools, financial principles, project management, probabilistic and statistical techniques, team forming. Requires formal reports and group presentations.
ECE Culminating Design Project II
Second semester of ECE culminating design sequence. Team project in ECE incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints. Requires formal reports and group presentations.
ECE Culminating Design Project
Team-oriented culminating design project in electrical/computer engineering, incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints. Requires formal reports and group presentations.