ECE Assistant Professor Hua Wang and his colleagues from Georgia Tech and Toshiba Corporation have been named the recipients of the 2016 Microwave Magazine Best Paper Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S).
ECE Ph.D. student Taiyun Chi has been named a recipient of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Graduate Fellowship for Medical Applications.
ECE Ph.D. student Edgar Garay has been selected to receive a scholarship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Minority Ph.D. (MPHD) program and become a Sloan Fellow.
ECE Ph.D. students Saad Bin Nasir and Jong Seok Park have been named as recipients of the 2016-2017 Predoctoral Achievement Awards, given by the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS).
ECE Ph.D. student Muneeb Zia is the first author on a paper that has been named as one of the five most popular papers from the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, according to 2017 usage statistics.
Taiyun Chi, a recent ECE Ph.D. graduate, has been named as the recipient of the 2017 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) Best Paper Award.
ECE Assistant Professor Hua Wang and his colleagues won the First Place Student Paper Award at the 2014 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, held June 1-3 in Tampa, Florida.
ECE Ph.D. students Jong Seok Park and Song Hu were presented with IEEE International Solid State Circuit Conference (ISSCC) Analog Devices Inc. Outstanding Student Designer Awards at the 2014 IEEE ISSCC, held February 9-13 in San Francisco.
ECE Assistant Professor Hua Wang has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his project entitled “A CMOS Multi-Modality Cellular Interfacing Platform for Drug Screening and Stem Cell Culture.”
ECE Associate Professor Hua Wang has been appointed as a Distinguished Microwave Lecturer for the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) for the period of 2022-2024.
Fei Wang has been chosen to receive the 2019-2020 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Predoctoral Achievement Award, the highest honor for Ph.D. students from the IEEE SSCS.
ECE Ph.D. students Edgar Garay and Huy Thong Nguyen have both been named recipients of the 2019 ISSCC Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer Award.