ECE faculty members Christina M. Bourgeois and Elliot Moore, II were honored with Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Teacher Awards on April 21 at the annual Eta Kappa Nu Spring Picnic.

ECE Professor Geoffrey Ye Li has been chosen for the 2017 IEEE Communications Society Award for Advances in Communication. 

ECE Ph.D. student Matt O’Shaughnessy has won the prestigious National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship.

The paper, "Global mapping of stratigraphy of an old-master painting using sparsity-based terahertz reflectometry," is the sixth most read physics paper (out of more than 3,000) in 2017 in the Nature Publishing Group journal, Scientific Reports.

ECE Associate Professor Mark A. Davenport has been named as the graduate recruitment coordinator for the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), effective May 14.

Four Georgia Tech faculty members were named IEEE Fellows, effective January 1, 2018. They are BME Professor Jaydev Desai, ECE Professors Saibal Mukhopadhyay and Justin Romberg, and GTRI Senior Research Engineer Kevin James “Jim” Sangston.

ECE Ph.D. student Nil Gurel has been invited to attend the 2018 Rising Stars Workshop, hosted by the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She also took part in NSF iREDEFINE last spring. 

ECE Assistant Professor Justin K. Romberg is a 2009 Packard Fell

ECE Ph.D. student Aline Eid won two top honors at the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI 2021), held December 4-10 both in a virtual format and in-person in Singapore.

ECE Professor Xiaoli Ma has been elected to the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Board of Governors in the capacity of Member-at-Large for the 2022-2024 term.

ECE Ph.D. students Aline Eid and Asim Gazi recently participated in workshops geared toward developing and diversifying the next generation of academic leaders.

Georgia Tech ECE Assistant Professor Shaolan Li is part of an effort to develop a wearable device for patients with pneumonia, allowing medical personnel to track their progress remotely and use data to predict how their condition may change.

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) are pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen E. Ralph to the Glen Robinson Chair in Electro-Optics at GTRI, effective February 1, 2020.

Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have demonstrated the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in obtaining valuable insights to the operation of photonic nanostructures, which manipulate light.

ECE Ph.D. student Nil Gurel has been selected to participate in the 2019 NextProf Nexus Workshop, sponsored by the University of Michigan, the University of California at Berkeley, and Georgia Tech.

Muya Chang has been selected for the 2019 Chih Foundation Graduate Student Research Award.

On Friday 6 September, Prof. David Citrin gave a seminar “Teasing out the hidden layers of an old master painting using terahertz imaging” at the Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France located in the basement of the Palais du Louvre.