INSPIRE2 will equip graduate students with tips, techniques and methods to try in their classrooms to better engage students.

Georgia Tech students won Pakathon global hackathon in October.

Graduate student enrollment at Georgia Tech reached 26,398 this semester, a new record for Tech and a 14% increase from last year.

Be sure to tune into the Three Minute Thesis final round of competition on April 9.

April 5-9, Georgia Tech will host Grad Student Appreciation Week.

ECE Ph.D. student Mandovi Mukherjee has been chosen for a 2021 Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship.

ECE Ph.D. students Aline Eid and Asim Gazi recently participated in workshops geared toward developing and diversifying the next generation of academic leaders.

Ten recently minted Georgia Tech ECE Ph.D. graduates and postdoctoral fellows/associates have been hired into faculty positions around the world, despite a difficult and challenging job market.

Check out some great events and activities for spring break in Atlanta.

Take advantage of the career exploration opportunities at this year's CRIDC.

Register by Jan. 22 for the 2021 virtual Three Minute Thesis competition.

ECE Ph.D. student Samantha Lubaba Noor has received a 2020 Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship.

Despite difficult circumstances, ten current Ph.D. students, newly minted Ph.D. graduates, and postdoctoral fellows/associates from the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering have been hired into faculty positions around the globe.

ECE Ph.D. student Qianxue Xia received the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Seed Research Award

ECE Ph.D. students Charles Topliff and Joanne Truong have been named as recipients of the 2020 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowships.

The Beta Mu chapter of Eta Kappa Nu at Georgia Tech has been chosen for a 2018-2019 Outstanding Chapter Award by the IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) national office.

A paper coauthored by Saad Bin Nasir and Arijit Raychowdhury has been selected as a “Top Pick Paper in Hardware and Embedded Security.”

ECE Ph.D. student Bahar Asgari has been selected to participate in Rising Stars 2019, hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

ECE Ph.D. student Bige Deniz Unluturk has been selected to participate in Rising Stars 2019, hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

ECE Ph.D. student Nil Gurel has been selected to participate in the 2019 NextProf Nexus Workshop, sponsored by the University of Michigan, the University of California at Berkeley, and Georgia Tech.

ECE Ph.D. student Brian Crafton and Muya Chang have won the 2019 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, which recognizes and rewards teams of two Ph.D. students each and their thesis advisor(s).

ECE Ph.D. students Chia-Lin Cheng and Luong Nguyen have been chosen for a 2019 TechConnect Innovation Award.

ECE and CS graduate student Muya Chang has been selected for the 2019 Taiwan Government Scholarship to Study Abroad (GSSA).

Nahom is quite possibly the best distance runner in Georgia Tech history. He became the first Georgia Tech student-athlete since 1994 to be named an all-American in cross country.

ECE Ph.D. student Min-Yu Huang has been selected for the Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholar Award.

Check out the professional development tools for students and faculty through the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity

If you're thinking of attending graduate school at Georgia Tech, campus tours are now being offered.

Graduate students are invited to celebrate the beginning of the academic year on Aug. 23 at Graduate Student Convocation and the Graduate Picnic.

2 masters students and 3 Ph.D. students won research grants during this year's 3MT Competition.

This third year’s GTRI Graduate Student Research Fellowship Program (GSFP) will further the research collaboration across Georgia Tech’s schools and colleges, leading to innovations in everything from artificial intelligence to international policy.

Current Georgia Tech graduate student Devesh Dalmia (CmpE ‘21) knew he had to find a way to stand out in the highly competitive field of computer engineering. Dalmia used his ingenuity to hatch a plan that would make him unique in his field.

The Schmidt Science Fellows program, which provides a $100,000 stipend per year to postdoctoral scholars to solve the world's most pressing issues, has named Asim Gazi as Georgia Tech's first Fellow.