ECE Associate Professor Omer T. Inan has been selected for the 2018 IEEE Sensors Council Young Professional Award.

ECE Ph.D. student Sensen Li was chosen for the 2018 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) Best Student Paper Award.

ECE Associate Professor Maryam Saeedifard has been chosen for the 2018 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) J. David Irwin Early Career Award.

Georgia Tech’s CEISMC GIFT program inspires middle school teacher Carrie Beth Rykowski’s pedagogy in STEM education.

ECE Associate Professor Arijit Raychowdhury received the 2018 IEEE/ACM "Innovator Under 40 Award" at the Design Automation Conference, held June 24-28 in San Francisco, California. 

The inaugural Graduate Student Welcome will include a Graduate Convocation and the Graduate Student Picnic, sponsored by the Graduate Student Government Association. Both events will take place Wednesday, Aug. 29.

Co-design of antenna and electronics could lead to improved performance in millimeter wave transmitters.

Three sports, seven awards — that’s how you might summarize the performance of the club triathlon team from Georgia Tech in Chattanooga, Tennessee, last week.

Recent ECE Ph.D. graduate Wenjing Su has been invited to attend the 2018 Rising Stars Workshop, hosted by the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

The Department of Energy Report makes recommendations to help spur adoption of grid-integrated electric vehicle technology.