Grayson Eady, an electrical engineering second-year student, received the Billiee Pendleton-Parker Award for Outstanding Allyship. He was recognized with this honor at the 2020 Georgia Tech Lavender Awards, held virtually on April 22 via Facebook.

A trio of Atlanta health care and research institutions will play a leading role in helping to evaluate potential COVID-19 tests.

ECE Ph.D. students Charles Topliff and Joanne Truong have been named as recipients of the 2020 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowships.

The Office of the Executive Vice President for Research announces the winners of the 2020 Institute Research Awards.

ECE Professor Arijit Raychowdhury has been selected for the 2020 Qualcomm Faculty Award.

Clever students in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) are coming up with “work-around” ways of continuing their experimental research. An example of this is the ongoing research being conducted by Ji Ye (JC) Chun.

ECE Professor Fumin Zhang has been appointed as the director of the Decision and Control Laboratory (DCL), effective May 11, 2020.

Tom Brewer served as the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering instructional laboratory manager from 1981 until his retirement in December 2018.

Cecil Alford served with distinction as a School of Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member from 1968 until his retirement in 1998.

Demetrius Paris had a remarkable 39-year career at Georgia Tech, serving as a faculty member, as director of the School of Electrical Engineering, and as vice president for research of the Institute.