ECE Professor Xiaoli Ma has been elected to the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Board of Governors in the capacity of Member-at-Large for the 2022-2024 term.
NEETRAC is an electric energy-focused, industry-supported center located in Forest Park, Georgia. The Center is part of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary on October 27.
ECE Ph.D. students Aline Eid and Asim Gazi recently participated in workshops geared toward developing and diversifying the next generation of academic leaders.
The Center for Signal and Information Processing hosts seminars on Fridays at 3 pm, continuing a tradition of extended learning that has lasted for more than two decades.
Sixteen College of Engineering faculty members, including ECE Professor James Stevenson Kenney, have three or more Georgia Tech degrees and have made their alma mater home again.