Faculty throughout CoE are breaking new ground in creative instruction 

Applications now available for the Vertically Integrated Projects program at Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech’s participation at ICRA 2017 is among the top ten of all institutions represented at ICRA 2017.

The Juno Science Team reveals its first findings since the spacecraft arrived at Jupiter last July.

ECE Associate Professor Ying Zhang and ECE Ph.D. student Zongyang Xia have received a TechConnect National Innovation Award, which was presented last week in Washington, D.C. at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo. 

Analyzing network traffic going to suspicious domains could give security administrators earlier warning of malware infections.

The 5 winning projects, from a diverse group of engineering disciplines, were awarded a six-month block of IEN cleanroom and lab access time.

ECE's Sohail Bahmani and Justin Romberg received a Best Paper Award at the Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference, held April 20-22 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Ph.D. students conducting research on any cybersecurity research area such as policy, consumer-facing privacy, risk, trust, attribution, or cyber-physical systems are encouraged to apply for the IISP Cybersecurity Fellowship Program.

Autonomous flying robots created to learn more about human interaction and obey rules of the sky.