Brand and Tentzeris won Institute Research Awards, while Coogan took home a Sigma Xi Award.

Zachary Olkin won the Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior Award, Katherine Roberts won the Outstanding Electrical Engineering Senior Award, and Pardyot Yadav won the Undergraduate Research Award.

The pandemic has taken — and will continue to take— a heavy toll. Getting students oriented and helping them succeed will require innovative new approaches to student support.

Harnessing the power of “phase-change” materials, Georgia Tech researchers have demonstrated how reconfigurable metasurfaces — artificial materials with extraordinary optical properties — are crucial to the future of nanotechnology.

Zhang has been a faculty member in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) since 2007.

As the global demand for microelectronics continues to surge, CAEML's mission to apply machine learning to the design of optimized microelectronic circuits and systems has become even more crucial.

His research could enable a clean, cheaper, and more flexible energy future even if household energy consumption increases.

This year’s milestone event featured guests who played an important role in the development of ORS.

Professor Biing Hwang Juang and his research recognized at 22 IEEE International Conference on Communications

Rincón-Mora's history with ECE dates back thirty years to when he was a student.