ECE Professor Emmanouil M. (Manos) Tentzeris and his colleagues won the third place prize at the Nokia Bell Labs Prize Competition, held on December 14 in Murray Hill, New Jersey at the worldwide headquarters of the company.

ECE Ph.D. students Bijan Tehrani and Ryan Bahr have been named the recipients of the Best Student Paper Award at the 2017 IMAPS Symposium, held October 10-12 in Raleigh, N.C.

An anti-counterfeiting device developed by ECE and Microsoft Engineers is featured in a collection of vignettes called Science@Microsoft.

Electrical engineering undergraduate Rolando Roca has received an IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Undergraduate/Pregraduate Scholarship.

Five Georgia Tech faculty members have been elected as IEEE Fell

Manos Tentzeris wins the SFI E.T.S. Walton Visitor Award.

ECE Ph.D. student Benjamin Cook has been selected for a 2013-2014 Intel Ph.D. Fellowship.