ECE Professor Gordon L. Stüber has been named the recipient of the 2017 IEEE Communications Society Radio Communications Committee (RCC) Technical Recognition Award.

ECE Assistant Professor Fatih Sarioglu has received the 2017 Beckman Young Investigator Award for his project titled “All-Electronic Lab-on-a-Chip Platforms for High-Throughput Multi-Modal Cell Phenotyping.”

ECE Professor Geoffrey Ye Li has been chosen for the 2017 IEEE Communications Society Award for Advances in Communication. 

ECE Professor Mary Ann Weitnauer has been named the recipient of the Vivian A. Carr Award, which will be presented by the Radio Club of America (RCA) at its 108th Banquet and Awards Presentation on November 17 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Nikil Jayant Receives IISc Distinguished Alumnus Award

Raquel Plaskett has been named as the Culture Champion for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Georgia Tech.

ECE Professor Russell D. Dupuis was presented with the Materials Today Innovation Award at the 2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting and Exhibit, held December 1-6 in Boston, Massachusetts. 

ECE Ph.D. student Bige Deniz Unluturk has been selected to participate in Rising Stars 2019, hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.