The Georgia Institute of Technology is pleased to announce the appointment of three new Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) Eminent Scholars–Deepak Divan, Stanislav Emelianov, and Ravi Kane–bringing the Institute’s total of GRA Eminent Scholars to 22.

Deepak Divan has been appointed as the John E. Pippin Chair Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and as a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar.

The GRA has been a significant factor in bringing outstanding faculty to Georgia’s research institutions, especially ECE.

Hao Chen and Deepak Divan won the first place prize paper award for 2018 in the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

Sanaz Paran received the Best Poster Award from the College of Engineering at the Sixth Annual Georgia Tech Postdoctoral Research Symposium, held on September 19, 2019.