The ECE Ph.D. candidate will research emerging materials and devices for energy-efficient sustainable computing.

ECE Ph.D. student Emeka Obikwelu has been named as the School's first 3M Fellow.

A team from the Opportunity Research Scholars Program installed a solar microgrid system in homes in Thoman, Haiti.

Frank Lambert has been named president-elect for the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES).

ECE Professor Santiago Grijalva has been named to the Federal Smart Grid Advisory Committee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for a three-year term. 

The Georgia Tech EcoCAR 3 team placed fifth overall and won numerous top prizes at EcoCAR 3, a four-year student competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and General Motors.

ECE Ph.D. student Sadegh Vejdan received the Best Paper Award at the 2018 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference, held February 8-9 in College Station, Texas.

ECE Ph.D. student Tom Sarvey has been named the recipient of the 2017 Best Paper Award for the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology in the Components: Characterization and Modeling category.

ECE Professor Gabriel Alfonso Rincón-Mora has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).

ECE Professor Miroslav Begovic has been elected treasurer of IEE

If big problems demand big responses, then it’s only appropriate that the nation’s biggest engineering school steps up to address perhaps the nation’s biggest engineering challenge: energy.

ECE Assistant Professor Maryam Saeedifard received the 2015 Technical Committee Working Group Recognition Award for her paper, “Trends in Microgrid Control,” from the IEEE Power System Dynamic Performance Committee.

Georgia Tech’s campus is home to many research laboratories, but how often is Tech itself the subject of research?

Collaboration Expands University's World-class Research Capabilities in Energy and Other Technical Areas

Georgia Tech identified least-cost clean power pathways that would lower household electricity bills and reduce carbon pollution.

Georgia Tech researchers are developing a broad range of energy technologies.

Georgia Tech has been awarded $1.7 million to help detect cyber attacks on utility companies.

Visit to campus helps faculty, researchers keep a pulse on federal priorities.

EPA's proposed rules to stem carbon pollution could force utility commissioners to make unpopular decisions around rates, fuel choice, generation mix and efficiency.

Students will spend four years redesigning the Chevrolet Camaro into a hybrid car.

Georgia Tech partnered with Georgia Power to host the dedication of the Microgrid in Tech Square.

Georgia Tech and the U.S. DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have entered into an agreement to bolster the interactions, collaborations, and joint scientific output of both institutions.

ECE Professor Ghassan AlRegib and his expertise in machine learning were recently featured on Scientific Sense, a daily podcast focused on science and economics.

The Georgia Tech student branch chapter of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) was awarded the 2nd place prize for IEEE Region 1-7, which covers the United States and Canada, in the 2020 PES High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program.

Evil armies of internet-connected appliances could be hijacked to slightly manipulate energy demand, potentially driving price swings.

Hector Duran, a first-year student in the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), has been chosen as a Georgia Tech Clark Scholar. 

ECE Professor Russell D. Dupuis was presented with the Materials Today Innovation Award at the 2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting and Exhibit, held December 1-6 in Boston, Massachusetts. 

Georgia Tech is part of a new research center created to solve some of the most challenging issues in AI.