ECE Assistant Professor Brendan Saltaformaggio received the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Doctoral Dissertation Award at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS), which was held October 30-November 3 in Dallas, Texas.

Taiyun Chi, a recent ECE Ph.D. graduate, has been named as the recipient of the 2017 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) Best Paper Award.

ECE Ph.D. students Bijan Tehrani and Ryan Bahr have been named the recipients of the Best Student Paper Award at the 2017 IMAPS Symposium, held October 10-12 in Raleigh, N.C.

ECE Ph.D. student Taiyun Chi has been selected for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Pre-doctoral Achievement Award for 2017-18.

Researchers are creating a connected new world through the internet of things.

Georgia Tech Internet of Things research center issues new report on integrated building data standards.

DARPA awards $9.4 million to develop a new technique for monitoring IoT devices.

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Nokia Bell Labs, and Heriot-Watt University have found a low-cost way for backscatter radios to support high-throughput communication and 5G-speed Gb/sec data transfer using only a single transistor.

Researchers at Georgia Tech have uncovered an innovative way to tap into the over-capacity of 5G networks, turning them into “a wireless power grid” for powering Internet of Things (IoT) devices that today need batteries to operate.

Evil armies of internet-connected appliances could be hijacked to slightly manipulate energy demand, potentially driving price swings.

Aline Eid has been selected for a 2020 IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) graduate fellowship award and received the first-place award in the student poster competition at the FLEX MEMS & Sensors Technical Congress.

ECE Assistant Professor Tushar Krishna will have one of his recent research papers featured in the IEEE Micro “Top Picks from Computer Architecture Conferences,” to be published in the May/June 2020 issue. 

ECE Ph.D. student Muhammad Ali won the Intel Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE 68th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), held May 29-June 1, 2018, in San Diego, California.

ECE Ph.D. student Atom Watanabe won the ICEP 2018 IEEE CPMT Japan Chapter Young Award at the 2018 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP), held April 17-21 in Mie, Japan. 

A new website can help consumers understand the security challenges of internet-connected devices.