Funding for the Georgia Tech and Emory University training program in computational neural engineering was recently renewed and increased by the National Institutes of Health, expanding opportunities for students and scholars.
Chris Rozell traveled to Washington, D.C. to share the impacts of the past decade of brain research funded by the NIH BRAIN Initiative with Congress — and share with local representatives how Georgia Tech is playing a key role in leading the charge.
ECE Ph.D. students Saad Bin Nasir and Jong Seok Park have been named as recipients of the 2016-2017 Predoctoral Achievement Awards, given by the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS).
ECE Ph.D. students Jong Seok Park and Moez Karim Aziz won second place for the Best Live Demo Award at the 2016 IEEE Sensors Conference, held October 30-November 2 in Orlando, Florida.
The Roadmap to Robotics report is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (as well as a few universities) and written by experts from the private sector as well as academic institutions, including Georgia Tech.
ECE's Emmanouil M. (Manos) Tentzeris and Abdullah Nauroze received the gold medal award at the 20th edition of the Archimedes IP Salon, held May 16-19, 2017 in Moscow, Russia.
ECE Associate Professor Ying Zhang and ECE Ph.D. student Zongyang Xia have received a TechConnect National Innovation Award, which was presented last week in Washington, D.C. at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo.
ECE's Sohail Bahmani and Justin Romberg received a Best Paper Award at the Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference, held April 20-22 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
ECE Professor Ayanna Howard has been selected as one of Atlanta magazine’s 2017 Women Making a Mark, a distinction reserved for a select group of women working to grow and strengthen the metro Atlanta community.
ECE faculty and students from the GT-Bionics Lab brought home awards from the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), held October 23-28 in Atlanta, Georgia.
ECE Ph.D. student Pyungwoo Yeon received the Third Place Best Paper Award at the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2017), held October 19-21 in Turin, Italy.
ECE Assistant Professor Hua Wang has been named as the recipient of the 2017 Outstanding Young Engineer Award, given by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S)
ECE Assistant Professor Fatih Sarioglu has received the 2017 Beckman Young Investigator Award for his project titled “All-Electronic Lab-on-a-Chip Platforms for High-Throughput Multi-Modal Cell Phenotyping.”
Across Georgia Tech, researchers, scientists, and students are creating the next breakthroughs in understanding this complex system, treatments of neurological diseases and injuries, and tools to improve neural function.
Georgia Tech and NextFlex – Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute hosted a workshop to explore energy harvesting, energy storage, and power deliver & management approaches for Internet of Things.
On May 22nd and 23rd, 2017, IEN hosted its first annual “Technical Exchange Conference” to bring together academic and industry engineers working on global issues using interdisciplinary approaches.
Successful proposals to this program will identify a new, currently-unfunded research idea that requires core facility access to generate preliminary data necessary to pursue other funding avenues.
Across Georgia Tech, researchers, scientists, and students are creating the next breakthroughs in understanding this complex system, treatments of neurological diseases and injuries, and tools to improve neural function.
Muneeb Zia and Rabia Zia received the Best Video Award at the finals of the 2018 Ideas to Serve (I2S) Competition, held on April 12 in the Scheller College of Business Atrium.
Taiyun Chi, a recent ECE Ph.D. graduate, has been named as the recipient of the 2017 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) Best Paper Award.
Six recent ECE graduates were honored with Best Thesis Awards at the Georgia Tech Sigma Xi Awards Banquet, held on April 9 at the Klaus Building Atrium. This is the largest number of students that ECE has ever had honored at this event.
ECE Assistant Professor Omer T. Inan has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his research project entitled “Wearable Joint Sounds Sensing for Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.”
ECE Assistant Professor Fatih Sarioglu has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his research project entitled “Feedback-Controlled Microfluidic Chips with Integrated Sensor Networks for Blood Analysis.”