The State of Georgia FIRST LEGO League Challenge is part of an international program called FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology), designed for children ages 9-14 in the U.S. and ages 9-16 in Europe. FIRST LEGO League (FLL) combines a hands-on, interactive robotics program with a sports-like atmosphere.

Each September, a new challenge is unveiled to FLL international teams around the world. Over the course of eight weeks, teams strategize, design, build, program, test, and refine a fully autonomous robot capable of completing the various missions of the FLL International "Robot Game" using the LEGO MINDSTORMS™ technology. Teams study, conduct research in the library and on the Internet, and develop compelling presentations based on the FLL International "Research Assignment," which relates to a problem or opportunity facing the world today.

Visit the State of Georgia FIRST LEGO League site to register and to get more information.

View FIRST LEGO League feature story from WPBA Channel 30.

Watch the 2021/2022 Awards Ceremony.


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