If the information presented on our website does not fully answer your questions, the ECE Undergraduate Affairs Office staff will be happy to assist you.
All inquiries about admissions should be made to the Georgia Tech Undergraduate Admission Office at admission@gatech.edu. Their office makes decisions on all undergraduate admissions and admission policies. The greater the specificity of your message, the better equipped the Undergraduate Admission staff will be to handle your inquiry.
Questions concerning scholarships and loans should be directed to the Georgia Tech Financial Aid Office. In addition to general Georgia Tech scholarship programs, their office also manages any scholarships that are specifically for ECE students.
Any inquiries about ECE undergraduate programs that are not answered on the website should be directed to the ECE Undergraduate Affairs Office. Questions may be sent by either U.S. mail or email:
Associate Chair - Undergraduate Affairs
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0250
Email: undergraduate@ece.gatech.edu
The telephone number for the ECE Undergraduate Affairs Office is +1.404.894.2946. If you cannot get through directly, please leave a voice message and be sure to include your full name (please spell the last name), and your telephone number. Also, suggest a time (Eastern U.S. time zone) when we can reach you.
If you are visiting on campus, our walk-in hours are Monday through Friday, 9:30 am to 12 noon and 1:30 pm to 4 pm. Specific details about academic advising in ECE are available on our Undergraduate Academic Resources page.