ECE Professor Anthony J. Yezzi has been named as a Ken Byers Professor, effective October 1.

Anthony J. Yezzi has been named as a Ken Byers Professor, effective October 1. Dr. Yezzi has been a faculty member with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech since 1999.

As the director of the Laboratory of Computational Computer Vision, Dr. Yezzi has over 20 years of research experience in image processing, computer vision, and shape optimization using geometric partial differential equations. Applications of his research group's work include medical imaging, 3D surface reconstruction, and visual tracking. An active industrial consultant, Dr. Yezzi recently formed Vintinura Imaging, Inc., a startup company that is being hosted by ATDC/VentureLab and is focused on image analysis solutions, particularly those connected with shape detection, tracking, and optimization. He is the author of almost 200 peer-reviewed publications and holds a patent for user-interactive 3D medical image MRI segmentation which has been used within General Electric's MRI image analysis package for the past 10 years.

A strong proponent of international education opportunities, Dr. Yezzi has spent the last five years fostering international relationships between Georgia Tech and top Italian engineering universities. He has been the director of the dual master's degree program between Georgia Tech and Politecnico di Torino (PdT) since 2008. He has also been instrumental in developing joint Ph.D. programs between Georgia Tech and both PdT and Politecnico di Milano that were recently approved by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents.