Tom Conte has been elected as the IEEE Computer Society First Vice President, effective January 1, 2012. Dr. Conte holds a joint appointment in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech.

Tom Conte has been elected as the 2012 IEEE Computer Society First Vice President, effective January 1. Dr. Conte holds a joint appointment in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech.

The First Vice President, as a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Governors, sets the direction and determines the strategy for the IEEE Computer Society, which is the largest of the 38 societies of the IEEE and is known globally for its computing standards activities.

Dr. Conte has been on the Georgia Tech faculty since 2008 as a professor in the School of Computer Science and accepted a joint appointment with ECE this past summer.   An IEEE Fellow, he is the chair of the IEEE Computer Society Awards Committee and is an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Computers and the IEEE Computer and IEEE Micro magazines. His research is in the areas of computer architecture and compiler optimization, including manycore architectures, microprocessor architectures, back-end compiler code generation, architectural performance evaluation, and embedded computer system architectures.