Admission to the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering as a transfer student is extremely competitive. The Georgia Tech Admission Committee normally considers only those transfer applicants who have completed at least one full year of college study (30 semester or 45 quarter hours), including specific courses. Admission decisions are made by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, not by the School of ECE. Additional information on transfer admissions is available from the Office of Undergraduate Admission.
If you are accepted as a transfer student to either computer engineering or electrical engineering, please be advised that many courses completed at your current institution will likely not transfer as the specific courses required for the B.S.Cmp.E. and B.S.E.E. degrees even if course titles may be identical. A sequence of courses spanning as many as seven semesters may be necessary in order to complete the remaining requirements for your Georgia Tech B.S.Cmp.E. or B.S.E.E. degree. A list of courses that have been approved for transfer from different universities is available on the Transfer Equivalency site. The College of Engineering does not transfer junior-level engineering courses unless the school is part of a partnership program with Georgia Tech, such as study abroad partners.
In addition to regular student transfers, students can transfer to ECE through one of these programs:
Regents’ Engineering Transfer Program (RETP): The College of Engineering offers students the opportunity to transfer to Georgia Tech through RETP. Students in this program attend a participating University System of Georgia institution for the first two years, and then transfer to Georgia Tech to complete the requirements for an engineering degree. For information on participating schools and additional RETP details, contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission.
Dual Degree Program: This initiative allows students to combine a liberal arts program with one of the engineering programs offered at Georgia Tech. Typically, a student spends three years at a liberal arts institution, and then comes to Georgia Tech to complete the requirements for an engineering degree. Upon completing the program at Georgia Tech, the student receives a bachelor's degree from the liberal arts institution and a bachelor's degree in one of the engineering disciplines at Georgia Tech. For more information and a list of Dual Degree Program member schools, contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission.