Dr. Stüber was born and raised in Atikokan, Canada "Land of the Caribou Bones." He received the B.A.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in 1982 and 1986, respectively.
Since 1986, he has been with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. He is an internationally recognized leader in wireless physical communications and wireless systems with numerous refereed publications in these areas.
Dr. Stüber spent the summers of 1993 and 1996 with Nortel Networks in Richardson, TX and Ottawa, Canada, respectively, and part of the summer of 2000 as a Visiting Professor at Johannes Kelper University in Linz, Austria. Dr. Stüber is an active industry consultant.
- Wireless physical communications
- Cellular mobile radio systems
- Broadband wireless access systems
- Fellow of the IEEE (1999)
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Jack Neubauer Memorial Award
- Past Editor, IEEE Transactions on Communications (1993-1998)
- Member, IEEE Communication Society Awards Committee (2000-2002)
- Technical Program Chair, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'96)
- Technical Program Chair, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'98)
- General Chair, IEEE Workshop on Multimedia, Multiaccess and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications (MMT 2000)
- General Chair, International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'02)
- Member, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Board of Governors (2001-2003)
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Outstanding Service Award (2005)